Liar - Punkrock


New member
Hi everyone!

Some of you might remember me from a while ago. I had a long break in recording music but im back and trying to get back int things.

Here's a song I did, and woudlike you all to tell me how to make it better.

ps. teh vocals are scratch recorded with a radioshackmike and the second vers is missing cause a aint got the lyrics forit yet.

Fire Away!
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fookin loved it !!!!! kick ass track... this tracks ALIVE !!!!!!!

and that chorus is BRILLIANT !!! i love the aggression/passion in the vocals (i keep winding it back !!!)

i want those drums to stand out more.. sounds like a guitarists mixed it
vocals could do with a tiny boost
rhythm guitars cutting back
just fair balancing really..

cant dissect it, im enjoying listening to it to much !!!

you got a website or something, I WANT MORE !!!!!
A little more vox and a botom to the bass needed but other than that i's very punk - all the way to the slashing toppy guitars.
Dig the break at 1:42. Yeah, basically it's all rhythm guitars and snare, a little more balance. Just turn the rhythm guits down and let's see what that does.

Tightly played. A lot of fun. Cool man.

Yeah the balance needs to be adjusted - vocals up, drums more in the face. Great drumming btw. Guitars are too prominent at the moment. They sound good though. Man all this needs is a remix - you've got everything there you need. Good job
Thanks for feedback dudes!

I will definatly be remixing this, Ill post a version when I'm done.

Thanks bro! I appreciate the kind words!

Yeah now that I listen on fresh ears i do hear that i kinda drowned everything with the guitars.
If you want more, youll have to wait a while. All this hopefuly will be released ona a CD by a German label somwhere next year. This is the punkiest song outta 10 that are gonna be on there. Rest will be more rockandroll less punk.

Thanks man, yeah the vocals are missing cause im still trying to come up with lyrics for it. the first verse went smoothly and was almost improvised while recording (unfortunatley song is about someone i considered a true friend). Im kinda stuck on the second one.


Vocals will stand out more when i deal with the guitars, they won't be too upfront, cause i dont like my voice.... who does?


thanks man!

Bulls Hit

If only I could play the drums like I can programm them:o I take it as aa big compliment thou. thx
Very punky!

I would advise that the guitars are too loud and overpower the vocals and drums. The structure of the song is good. Certainly perfect for that style of music. The start of the guitar solo sounded cool, could you extend it a few bars? it gets a bit lost behind the louder rhythm guitars.
that's MUCH better.. the vocals could still come up though. good to know there's still some punx around. what's your thought on doing a collab sometime? i'd be more than happy to lay down some drums.
that's MUCH better.. the vocals could still come up though. good to know there's still some punx around. what's your thought on doing a collab sometime? i'd be more than happy to lay down some drums.

hard luck, i'm a skinhead :D

I hate my shitty voice so i'm not really confident in bringing it out more, let it stay burried in the guitars:)

We can collab! Ill keep in mind the offer, and letya know when I have time and idea to do a song.
dude.... it sounds good in that mix, keep in mind nobody is gonna give a shit if you can sing or not given the context.

punx, skins, whatever. we all come from the same side of the fence for the most part.