Lexicon's - Hum city?


New member
I have a new Lexicon MX200. It has a VERY noticeable hum.??
It's my first Lexicon product. Is this customary for Lexicon effects? There's no way I can record within 10 feet of it.

I've been using Lexicon reverbs and effects processors for over 15 years, and have never had a hum problem. I would suspect something else is the problem (are the ground connections good on your 1/4" cables? are you sure one of them isn't a speaker cord? etc. etc.). Before you do anything else, try patching another unit in place of the Lexicon. If it hums too, the problem is in the wiring (or somewhere else). If it doesn't hum, patch the Lexicon back in - is it still humming? Then take it back where you bought it.

Thanks Blue and Digi,
I printed out the "loop info" to read tonight.

Let me re-state my original statement. The hum isn't coming from the speakers- It's coming from the actual inside of the unit. As in, turn it on, and there's kinduva hum/buzz that is louder than I'd like.

I talked to the tech guy today. He plugged one in and said he could hear a "bit of a buzz." It didn't seem to bother him.?.? Said he was willing to ship me another one. I have to get about 10 ft away before it's inaudible.

sounds like the internal power supply's transformer...

i would get the replacement sent to you ASAP - then decide if it's a unit fault, or a design fault.

Regardless of your findings, please update us...


It's the transformer. If they're not mounted properly they hum. If it's a new unit and under warenty, take it back and get another one. I have two Lexi's and they are VERy quiet.
Unbelievable - check it out

The following is a quote from someone in Tech support from Lexicon:

That hum you are hearing is the power supply. It is normal for that units
power supply to hum like that--there is nothing wrong with the unit. It is
the nature of that power supply.

Jim Kalil

Wooooaaaaahhhhh Nelly?????????

I smell lawsuit

Take it back where you bought it. Tell them you want your money back, or you want full credit toward something that is designed to be useable in a recording environment. This thing was sold to you under false pretenses (IF you said you wanted it for recording, which I presume you did). Totally unacceptable - are these units being marketed as appropriate ONLY for live SR applications? If not, I smell trouble. Lawyers could get involved, even (and we all know that's a bad thing, right? :D )
