Lexicon MPX500, Presonus Blue Tube


New member
Lex works great/sounds great. I never use it bcause I'm a lazy plug-in boy. Can't justify keeping it around. Make me an offer!

Blue-tube: Don't like this thing (honest opinion). But works good as a bass DI/guitar distortion box. Its pres are usable. Has phantom, pad? (I'll have to check), and phase buttons. Others really dig this little blue guy, so who am I to say? Gimme an offer, I probably wont refuse. lol.

Include your email address in these things, much easier to be discrete.
I know its a lowball, but I have might be able to scrape up about $190 for the Lexicon. Never hurts to ask. I'm so broke from this shit that its killing me. I'd give anything for some prime rib this week.
Herez the email: bara0031@tc.umn.edu

You both are very close to my 'reserve' so email me and we can duke it out over the last few $$.

Tube... prime rib eh? I just sent myself to the dog food bowl for a few months. Picked up a 1NV today. Hope it's worth it!

And of course I just need that Roger Linn--guitar groove-box. I'm ruined. :)

How about a trade........my Ibanez Overdrive pedal. Genuine '73-4, in damned fine condition. I've owned it since new...............these things are selling (when they come up) for around $300-350 US plus according to the vintage pedal experts.

Don't laugh, it's always worth asking.:)
