Leveling Amp Question (RNLA)

Sonic Idiot

New member
I've got an RNLA. I like the flavor it adds to the signal. But it generates a curious fuzz when signal is present (like direct guitar). At first I thought it was broke. Then I did some research and concluded it's my own ignorance for not knowing how to use it. So I dialed up a stetting that doesn't buzz. But this setting, it seems, must remain static! If I deviate from it, the buzz returns. I can see it buzzing when not set properly, but I assumed much more wiggle room between success and failure. What's the point of having knobs if turning them produces buzz?

So I'm in the dark a bit but, my ignorance is still the prime suspect. Can someone explain what the threshold function of a leveling amp serves? Attack and Release? Is it possible the RNLA is busted? Is it not meant to be used on direct electric guitar/bass?

A bit about the buzz: it is a low level fuzz that clearly follows the attack of the instrument - it disippates as the volume declines.

call Mark, he's a great guy and very knowledgable about his products (duh, he made 'em) He helped me with my rnc's and my RNLA. I was having the same kinda stuff. There is a smaller window of clean with this piece but the color can sound really cool in some places
Forgot, here's his contact info
I've e-mailed Mark and was going to call him, but the holidays swallowed up the problem. So tell me, your RNLA was behaving the same way? Half of why I'm posting is to determine if I'm broken or if the RNLA is.
Probably neither, it's pretty touchy piece. especially the threshold and gain. Keep the attack fast and the release slow and don't try to make up too much compression loss there (maybe on a different bit of kit) I'm finding it really useful in a heavy mix on vox, helps it stand out, that and bass guitar, really gets punchy, nice for some tracks
dumb question about leveling amps...

I've been looking into getting an RNC, but also was noticing the RNLA on the FMR website and that it has similar parameter controls.

Can someone explain to me the difference between the compressor and the leveling amp? Is the leveling amp used only in the mastering process for getting consistent levels?
I should've warned you. This is just an old thread that I hijacked. I'm not plugging anything in yet, just looking for information.

this might be totally wrong but my guess is that a levelling amp does gain modulation based on RMS or average level, whereas a normal compressor looks at peak level.
Normally that is the distinction between the two. The RNLA has the same controls over threshold and ratio and attack and release. Makes it a really nice adaptable bit of kit
I suspect it does something analogous to something like the 'LA-2A,' which calls itself a 'leveling amplifier.' It's a compressor with definite 'color.' Whether that 'color' is any good or not, I don't know. I do have a 'LA-2A' plugin, and it beats the inboard compressors in my VS2000CD very handily. Whether or not the RNLA can compete with that, I'd be curious to find out.

Thanks for the clarification, guys. I just bought a used RNC on Ebay and a brand new M-Audio DMP-3 elsewhere...

MK: That sounds about right. It sounds like a compressor with some sort of mystical magical goodness factor thrown in. :)