level meter response delayed


New member
Just upgraded to cubase from cool edit (finally!) so your patuence/help is appreciated.

i'm noticing that the level meter (in the bottom control bar thing) is not "live" but is delayed about a half second.

also, when i press play or record there is a delay between when i press button and when it actually starts rolling.

any suggestions? surely this is correctable.

some specs if these help....
cubase SX2, windows XP, Delta 44....
....and i figured it out.

of course as soon as i ask for help i will figure it out on my own.

it was just a matter of switching some ASIO setting to get a lower latency...what the hell is asio anyways.

damn computers, i think i hear my four-track calling...
ASIO (Audio stream in/out) are considered to be the best performing soundcard drivers, particularly with regards to latency (as opposed to the older MME and WDM types).