Let's Settle the Egg Crate Thing Once and for All...

triple cubic

New member
Okay, I've read through all the old threads about egg crates, sleeping foam, etc.

It seems like people have mixed feelings about all this. Some seem to think they do work somewhat for deadening sound reflection, while others think they do "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" as they so strongly put it.

What is the definitive answer once and for all on egg crate foam? And what is the CHEAPEST way to somewhat deaden sound reflection in a small room/closet?

Your responses and help are much appreciated. I think if we can solve this once and for all, it will be helpful to a lot of people!

- T
deadening? From my guess, a layer of ANYTHING would deaden the sound to some degree.....a piece of paper can deaden the sound, just not enough to be worthwhile...

Periscope, where can I get drop ceiling tiles? What works better for anti-reflection: drop ceiling tiles or carpet underlay? I want the most effective cheap stuff.
The foam does work to a certain extent but only on upper-mid to high freqs. The mid and down will go right through it! Best to have a combination of absorbtion and diffusion and don't make the room too dead. Concentrate on the problem freqs.
M. Brane,

Thanks so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. I will be using the vocal booth for vocals only. No instruments. Does this make a difference? So do you think the foam will work okay? Or should I try carpet underlay or rockwool or anything like that?

At the risk of voicing a strong opinion...

...(something people around here know I never do!!! ;) )

Egg cartons do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!


Blue Bear, I've seen your posts in other threads, and "EGG CARTONS DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" seems to be your trademarked slogan... :)

But the question is, for all the egg carton/foam people, what else can we use that is cheap and somewhat deadening of sound reflection? I really don't want to spend money on professional sound foam.

Can you please suggest some alternatives?

Thanks, man.

- T
itchy pink fiberglass insulation bats, coverd with cloth. Cheap and it works. Maybe not as well as the high dollar foam, and it is bulky, itchy(until you cover it), and ugly, but it does work. There is no such thing as too dead. Thats why God gave us reverb plugins and room simulators.
Thanks Bdgr...

But I don't think the fiberglass is gonna work for me!!! I've had a few experiences with that stuff, and it gave me some mad itches/splinters. I won't be able to go near that stuff much less be surrounded by it inside a mic booth! It makes me itchy just thinking about it...

Any other suggestions? :)

Thanks to everyone who's replied so far.
triple cubic said:
Blue Bear, I've seen your posts in other threads, and "EGG CARTONS DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" seems to be your trademarked slogan... :)
Actually... my 2 slogans are "gimme a fuckin' break..." and "It depends..."!!!

:D :D
Like c7 said, cover it in fabric of some sort. I just stapled it to the wall, and then stapled cloth over the itchy fiberglass. Actually, I made my nephews band do it, as they were using my studio at the time.
It sounds like something to consider, but is there ANYTHING, ANYTHING that I can use to do a decent job besides that stuff? I'm really scared of fiberglass... :)

Thanks so much, guys.
Fiberglass is cheap and it works

It's just a bitch to deal with during construction. You can also get compressed 'glass panels but they're pricey and not as effective as the thick stuff.

I've read that some people have had success with rockwool but it too can be a bit pricey compared to 'glass and hard to find in some places.

Just do like c7sus said: wear the right gear (long sleeves, dust mask) and I would also recommend goggles.

I stand by my statement of not making the room too dead. You just want to eliminate the standing waves and any resonant peaks. It's difficult to absorb low freqs. without serious bass traps or resonators. If you get rid if all the upper reflection but not the lower your just going to have a muddy room.
triple cubic said:
It sounds like something to consider, but is there ANYTHING, ANYTHING that I can use to do a decent job besides that stuff? I'm really scared of fiberglass... :)

Thanks so much, guys.

Suffer for your art, man......Or do like I did, and make someone else suffer in exchange for studio time.
If used in the right way the egg caton stuff can work, according to Craig Andertons book, he reccomends putting them on you wall behind Heavy curtains or carpet. so the sounds that do manage to get through the heavy material. break up and weaken before bounceing back into heavy material.

Ive never actually tried it but I trust Craig Anderton to be right. He was right about all those miking techniques I use.

The foam sold as Bed foam is not dense enough to make any real difference. But It does feel good when you lay on it.

I did find a bargain on studio foam here in KC, and they ship all over the country. Just go to AMFoam.com and Email the sales guy, what they have to offer is grey 2" thick 100"x80" two sheets for $80.00us. Its good stuff and Fire retardant (burns slowly if ignited like the auralux).

Then there are about 10 odd good DIY bass trap projects on the net. Diffusers arent hard to build either.