Let's PLAY a stupid game...


New member
I would be really glad if you help me to brainstrom an stupid thing.

I wan you to thing you are playing:

i) On a team (football or whatever)
ii) On a band (rock band or like this)

, and tell me what are the reasons why you PLAY.

I mean:
"I play in order to .............."
(Try not to repeat)

Thanx a lot.

I play in order to exhaust my aggressions in a positive way.

I play because I know I'm good.

I play because it gives me something to do.

I play because I'm used to playing.

I play because I'm expected to play.

I play because I don't quit anything.

I play because it's supposed to garner female attention.
I play because I can...it's who I am.
I play because it's part of me...my eyes, my ears, my hands, my feet.

I play so I don't have to work. I always wanted a job where I can play. What do you do for a living? ..... I play!

I play so I can live. It's my expression of the life I lead. My beliefs. My accomplishments. My joys. My fears.


I play because I can't not play.

I play to communicate what I know, what I don't know and what I'm feeling.

I play because it's better than just watching.

I play to leave my mark on the world.

I play because it allows me to connect with others on a non-verbal level.

I play because I want to belong somewhere.