Lets learn how to read on here guys


New member
You need to read carefully.

First let me address the jacking or jerking off here since it would appear more than one of you seems interested. I dont know about you but I am straight. That means not gay. I like women. I find them sexually arousing. So if you have reached adolescence I think you may start feeling the urge to manually satisfy yourself. I shouldnt have to tell you guys this. I would suggest researching masturbation on the internet. It is a completely NORMAL function for a man to jack off. Its been done since life began. Animals do it. I have a video of a cat doing it if you would like. So you dont jack off while typing on this kind of message board. Now if it was full of chicks talking the talk I can understand a fantasy jerk for that ok. so that should clear up my jacking off statement.

Second: It would appear that 1 guy decided to derail a completley normal thread flow and it was only till the end that everyone realized they fucked up. Read for yourselves and dont follow someone elses post to guide you on your next statement. That is if you are addressing the thread starter.

3rd. If you had read my fucking words I stated the name of the studio but becuase you apparently dont have the time to read it and you havnt been a jerk to me the name of the GO DAMNED STUDIO is "Vision Sound" in Orange Park Florida.

It is owned by 2 younger guys who are assholes and they are both quite lucky I am gone. As far as the great engineer their. I never even talked or saw him.
Pathetic. I dont reccomend this place to anyone. I dont care how cheap they are. I know the going rates for good studios. I was in the Audio Engineering program at University of Miami breifly before I decided I wanted to perform while I was 20. I hung out in a studio right down the street from Criteria.

Real studios charge I think about 100 dollars an hour if I am not mistaken.

I stand by my frigging words and I should not have to answer all these questions.

Now I have received so many completments from people here that it really made me happy. One guy on here "Chessrok" or something like that fucked everything up and a bunch of you other guys just followed his idiot ass.

That guy is a pancy ass jerk off. I dont have to aplogise for jackshit. I am me and I like ME. And if anyone wants to step up to my plate I more than welcome it. Its stupid ass fukers like that chessrok guy that said my music sucked without even listening to it. The funny thing is, is that many on here did listen and pointbank said they liked it and it is clearly written on this messageboard in text for Christ's sake.

Now I dont know the def of a troll becuase I have other things on my mind than living on messageboards but I am not one but I think I know who is and that is probably this chessrok guy. So why dont all you poeple tell him to zip his mouth like a good little boy before he potentially doesnt have a mouth.

I have had enough of this place.

Final word:

Mastering comes down to money. If I had the facilities and the money to buy the necessary gear to go further with my mix like the guy I paid I could have done it. I was told it would cost me thousands of dollars to get the gear I needed. I have the ear to do it myself. I dont have the cash.

learn how to read people
Go buy a bottle of whiskey and beat the shit out of a wall, you'll feel much better in a couple of days.

p.s., I read it real carefully. You may want to suggest that people just skim over it.
If you don't like it here, leave. We are certainly not going to miss you and your self importance.
Yeah, why don't you just get lost and leave us alone here? This is a community of people discussing and talking. If you feel you can't do that in a civilzed fashion, we are certainly not gonna miss you.
nonreversebird said:
You need to read carefully.


I stand by my frigging BLAPPETTY BLO BLONGLE BLAH
I'm sorry ... and you are? :confused:
fraserhutch said:
OK, I wish I knew what *this* was about :confused:
I wasn't paying attention. But this part was fairly cool; "It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself. - Bach"
Kind of like sculpting? You just chip away what you don't want. ;)
if youd like help, then please ask nicely.

this is not a forum to tell people about your self importance

EDIT: Oh ya, I didnt really read what you said, I just kind of skimmed over it. Whatever.........
If you want to spout your crap, please take it to the cave. If Chessrock pissed you off, say your piece, say it nicely, and then forget about it. Basically, grow up and quit letting other peoples opinions run your life. I understand being upset, but this crap is even worse than Chessrock's post that you didn't like.
fraserhutch said:
OK, I wish I knew what *this* was about :confused:

sorry, my sense of humor is kinda buried in obscurity.
(and it would take too long to explain a medioker joke)