Let's Go Get Stoned...throwing myself to the mercy of the BBS


"stop dropping my mics."
hey everyone!
so i'm putting my head on the chopping block here but i used so many ideas and opinions and tips gleamed from y'all to make this recording happen that i just have to post it here. this is the second track from my band's new mini-album and i'd love to hear opinions on it! i think the clean guitar might be clipping a little bit in some areas but all in all i'm super happy with it!
thanks in advance for everything! :):):)
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That's pretty cool.

Did you listen to the mix with headphones? Some of the heavily panned backup vocals sound a little trippy, like tiny people hanging from my ears and shouting.

Hmmm... That's probably a really cool effect when you're stoned. :D
Well done :).

Definitely sounds kind of mid-rangey and a bit hot overall. I like the arrangement, the drums and vocals.

I was looking forward to having tiny people hang from ears and shout, but didn't get that effect this time around. Perhaps I'll try again later after a bowl or two.
Ageed on the middy comments.. But nicely captured the vibe I would say! And yes the little people are freaky.. Vox are nice and strong too! main vox could come up a touch I think...