Let me see your booth


New member
Hey im buildin a booth in my basement i have my uncle doing it he said i just needa show him da design and he'll do it so i want to see what you guys have can you please just take a couple of pictures up show me what you got or any design plans you had such as drawings with measurements n all
Thanks yall
Why not google around a little, or search this BBS system for vocal booth construction and/or design, and put together your own design, and we can help you from there.

Asking people to do all your work for you is a little impolite, which is Rick's point.
Also, I believe punctuation of any kind would be fantastic.

There are so many to choose from: .?!

I realize it can be quite taxing at times. Start slow. Here's a period (.)
ok, wat u wantz to du is ta git sum plywud an sum 2 by fo's and nail dem togefa so dat it iz not sqare den you gotsta make shizzle dat nun of da wallz is paralell, cuz dat makez standin waves alzo you is gonna need sum fome in da boof so git sum owenz cornin' 703izzle insluatun it is gud at makin the sound dead n stuff peace

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :p
EdWonbass said:
Can I get that at the Home Depozzle? :D

na, you's gots ta orda it from a supplia. hit'em up on the cell and aks if you can git somma dat. 70thrizzle is rigid, stiff. check the yella pages for some digits of insulashun peeps in yur hood and giv'em a holla, tell'em pooky sent you. you prolly wanna cover that sh__ with sum cloff or sumfin like muslin.
mishagolin said:
na, you's gots ta orda it from a supplia. hit'em up on the cell and aks if you can git somma dat. .

fo' shizzle.

hey komoney, wut hood u be from, ill c if I can fin' sum suppliazzzzz.
One time when I was a kid, I spoke to my Dad using slang of the time. He backhanded me, and said something like, "Son, if you want to talk like a barnyard idiot, then l'll treat you like one. From now on your name is "Stupid"." I wore that name for a week. Even my Mom called me that.

komoney, IF you don't want to be considered "stupid", then don't act like it. At least by me. Otherwise, your idiot badge is showing. You want something here, so talk to us like an adult, or fuckya and your moronic barnyard slang too.

fitZ :rolleyes:
fitZ2 said:
One time when I was a kid, I spoke to my Dad using slang of the time. He backhanded me, and said something like, "Son, if you want to talk like a barnyard idiot, then l'll treat you like one. From now on your name is "Stupid"." I wore that name for a week. Even my Mom called me that.

komoney, IF you don't want to be considered "stupid", then don't act like it. At least by me. Otherwise, your idiot badge is showing. You want something here, so talk to us like an adult, or fuckya and your moronic barnyard slang too.

fitZ :rolleyes:

man yo aint no wut u talk bout. man. he da word up shit bitch damn bol oh damn.
alright man cut the nonsense if you guys want me to speak proper english by all means i will, so anyway i thank you all if you have any more suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, now that you can speak, lets work this out.

How much space do you have, and do you need to soundproof it. Two general rules to keep in mind are

1) NO PARALELL WALLS. Paralell walls are going to cause some nast slapback/standing wave sounds, so you dont want this. Basically, this is when two sound waves hit each other head on, but with non paralell walls, there are no ways for sound to hit head on

2)BASS TRAPPING. Without proper bass trapping, you are going to have a room that sounds like your in a box. NOt good. Putting up studio foam wont do it either. Look for owens corning 703 or rockwool in your area, you will probably have to look at your local building/insulation suppliers. IN a small room, which is waht you probably have in mind, put this in a 45 degree angle across all corners, preferrably floor to ceiling. This will turn sound energy into heat energy, thus breaking it up.


1) ONLY 2 LEAVES. A leaf is any mass in your wall. IN a typical wall, it is both the layers of drywall. The space inbetween the studs is called an airspace. YOU ONLY WANT ONE AIR SPACE, but your leaves need to be as thick as possible. ALso, the larger the airspace, the better. Ask your uncle if he can do double drywall, on both sides.

2) SEALING. Seal all cracks, holes, joints, corners, and boxes. These are prime ways for sound to leak thru, thus putting everything else to waste. You need to use acoustical caulk for this, available at most building suppliers.

3) Isolation- We will talk about this if you have room for two walls.

And there you go. See what a little english can get you

:D :D