Let me know what you think

This is another tune that SC won't play for me. Drives me nuts because some play and some don't.
Mix sounds pretty well separated. I like how you've got the hihat in its own space. Not a big fan of the clicky kick but I guess you need it for this kind of tune. Doesn't seem to have a huge bottom end presence yet to go with the crunchy riffs. Maybe have a look at that when you get the vocals
I can't speak to the genre very well, but it sounded like it had everything. I can't remember if this style uses a lot of bottom, but it would add to power of the song.
I used an audix d6 kick with sample re-enforcement for that extra punch, md421's on the toms, 2 sm57's on the snare, Samson pencil mic on the hat, akg pencil's for overheads, a Rode nt1 for room mic (by the way, the drummer used my in house Mapex maple/birch hybrid kit). I ran the kick into my warm audio wa12, snare top into a ART v3, and all into my Soundtrac Mega S console. I used a Line 6 Pod HD Pro with an Ibanez Iron Label S or LTD MH1000nt for the guitars, a Gibson Thunderbird into the ART v3 for bass, I recorded dry tracks for reamping into my ENGL Powerball though, I wasn't to pumped about how the guitars sound, I'm gonna spend alittle more time with the lower end on the drum kit. I plan on using the ART v3 with a SM7b for vocals. I did just a quick master, I just threw a preset from Izotope ozone 5 on there, the very first one and called it good, since the song isn't completely tracked yet lol.
I forgot to mention, I buried the d6 into the kick drum about 4 inches from the batter head, that is probably why I didn't get as much bassy push out of it, I think that I will have to double mic it the next time, I got a few more kick drum mics. Or even build a sub kick for that.