Leave the new USB card alone?

If I understand correctly. You got some additional USB ports that attach to your motherboard via a ribbon, and screw into an open space on the back of your case, right? wrong?

If you have a need for more than two USB ports than sure, hooked it up.

It's a new motherboard, so possibly any ill effects you were having before, that made you disable the USB - may no longer be a problem. Give it a shot, mayb it will work fine. If not, then just disable it in the BIOS like before.
if its a new mobo, then chances are the USB is USB 2.0 and shouldn't cause you any headaches,,,

but then again digidesign does claim to be better than god, so being so, I cannot say for sure if it will cause trouble or not... only thing you can do is try it and see... if it does cause trouble then its not hard to fix... just open the side of the case and unplug the USB cable from the MOBO...
No need to unplug it from the motherboard, just disable it in BIOS.

Unless it's one of those USB cards where all the logic is onboard, in which case, unplug it as jdchant suggests.