Learning Nuendo, Unable to record tight with a click (MIDI)



The click is running at 120, I play quarter notes with the click and it doesn't follow on playback. Someone told me that I had to either click in the midi track to see the quarter note Icon, or in the transport view there was a setting. I tried the tempo fixed or tempo track without success. Any Idea?
Well I just tried it read page 90 to 92, Still don't work, It will not record at the right measure. The first beat of the 4/4 falls right on the 3rd beat of the other measure (so it is 6 beats behind?!?)

What can be so complicated about putting a metronome during recording??? Why doesn't it follow the measures???????
That sounds like you are having a huge latency issue.

Why are you recording it? You can just set it to play when you need it to, it should be clicking on the beat.

Also, make sure that the transport panel is set for note values and not time. The bigger of the two counters is the one that determines the grid.

I tried everything you said, Latency in is at 12ms and latency out is at 13ms. It is better now, instead of being 6 beats behind, it is just a half beat behind. Maybe the solution is here: I can't change the tempo by typing it in the transport view. Is that supposed to be like that? Do you always have to open the tempo window when you want to change tempo?

Hit the 'tempo' button in the transport until it says 'fixed'. Then you can type the tempo into the transport.
On the reansport on the left, there is a midi level indicator. That should be spiking with the click. Is it? If it is, then you have some sort of offset happening. If it isn't, the click is being delayed somehow.