LDR..be wise to check it out


New member
For those of you who are new to the whole mp3 thing, perhaps I can help a bit. I started with my own web page on mp3.com and have enjoyed putting my music on the net. However, as we all know there is so much garbage out there that it's really difficult to make heads or tails of what can actually help you promote your music successfully on the internet. Fortunately, I hooked up with an NMA (New Music Army) promoter that has really helped me begin to efficiently find ways of correctly promoting my music on the internet. It's called Liquid Dream Records (LDR), does not cost anything to sign up for and is a very helpful tool for educating yourselves. Lena, the group leader works her tail off to help artists find ways to promote their music and does so for the simple cost of participating in our bulletin board on LDR and playing the mp3 stations on a fairly regular basis. In the end we all win, and a couple of the stations raise money to fight cancer. I would recommend you all consider this and take a look to my web site at http://www.mp3.com/steelpetals
There you will find a link to Liquid Dream Records and a way to contact Lena for those of you who are interested. In the meantime, while you are there, I would sincerely appreciate it if you would take a listen to a couple of my tunes and if you have time email me via the link on my web page or reply to this thread on what you think of my music and my recording techniques in general. I have been working pretty hard to learn the ropes of recording and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have for those just starting out. Let me know and good luck.