

New member
Hey im new to the whole production thing (using GarageBand on iMac) and made a beat recently. I just wanna know what to layer my deep bass drum with to make it sound banging on, say, bad speakers or headphones? Thanks...
Hmmmm...see, if you make it sound bangin' on crap speakers you're more than likely to F up the whole song when you shove a cd into your/or someone elses home stereo and press play...

First: Get yourself some decent speakers. It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg...
Second: Personally I would go with another program.
Third: Layer your bass drums with other bass drums. EQ them both (apply an equalizer). Be carefull so they don't cancel eachother out though.... Strap on a compressor and crank your amp to 11...but you need to gain some experience in the technical aspect of musicmaking before you'll really get it to blow the roof of your house. There's alot of things that are done with music, before you (as a listener) get to hear it on a cd or on the radio, that you probably wouldn't hear unless you're into the production aspect of music.

That's my excuse for a solution for might not be what you wanted to hear, but it's gonna make your track bang in the end
