Latin Music

rob aylestone

This is more arrangement than song-writing but has anyone any simple tips for percussion in Latin music. I've got to record some show tracks mainly Gloria Estefan, Miami sound machine and while the drums, and 'normal' instruments are not going to be big trouble, listening to the originals I plainly do not understand latin percussion rhythms, which go across the 4 beats. A bit of research reveals something call clave rhythms or clave timing, and there appear to be common rhythms across a two bar/measure period, which repeat, change and even get played backwards. The band in my current show just gave me a fake book, like the jazz ones for latin music and there's a little note in the first page - latin rhythms are very difficult to sight read. Damn that's right!

I've watched the YouTube videos and just when I think I've got it, I haven't.

Is there some trick I'm missing?