Latest Work Mix

Nice feel to the song. Would be significantly better with a bridge. It needs some kind of change up to keep listener interest going.

The vocals were back in the mix at several points and I had trouble hearing them at times. The singer's voice doesn't sound all that strong, and it gets lost here and there.

Were certain words deliberately mispronounced (e.g., "Mike believe" instead of "Make believe"). Maybe just an idiosyncracy with me, but it bugs me. Nothing personal - it bugs me when Alanis Morresttte does it too. BTW - most everything she does bugs me.

Anyway, I might recommend retracking or further compressing the vocals to get a more consisten level.

Lastly, I'm probably being too critical for this song - it's better than what my post might indicate. I'm giving my opinions on how to improve.
Sonic--thanks for not getting pissed at me. I almost yanked my post. And I understand that you aren't the songwriter, which makes you kind of in the middle. Anyway, I would print out the responses and show them to your client. He might go "yeah, I see what they mean". There's two kinds of writers. One refuses to change anything and the other is open to improvements. I've been both in my life and the latter allows more room for growing, I think.

As for creating contrast, you might use a sidestick on the verse as well as keeping the acoustic. When the choruus comes in, full snare, some crunch electric guitar and some sort of high sound--a pad, an organ, strings, etc. Also, maybe add some extra percussion--shakers, tambourine, or both.

Thanks again for taking my comments in the spirit which they were intended.
Thanx again guys. As far as the vocals go they are definetly being re-tracked....those vox are for reference only. I liked a line in the chorus where where he sings "shoot your mouth off" I tried to get him to dig in and get more angry on that line but he wants it all soft sounding. We'll see how it goes when we hit the vox for real.

I'm anxious to toss those electrics in there Sat night and Sunday. I'm still not sure what'll happen. I had a few requests via email to put the webcam up and have people watch while we do Who knows....maybe I will. Cheers!

I agree aboot the "repetitive" nature of the song... it's a good tune but it needs some kind of "change-up" towards the end.. just a little more energy... tweak a melody or something.. nothing drastic or anything...

But this is a great mix. Very well done. Well rounded. Good seperation. I like the drum sound. I just listened to the version with electrics and that helps a lot to liven it up. The acoustic version wasn't bad by any means.. but now it's got some serious character to it...

good form.

Very nice-nothing much to add here-drums sound really nice and distinct. It seems like things got a little heavy in the bottom end especially during the chorus when you added guitars. I hear a spacey slide in there ala"love will find a way" by yes, but im a space cadet and i hear a spacey whale noise slide over everything. 8)

Very nice recording and a very radio friendly song, hope y'all have a hit there.