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New member
only the 2nd non acoustic song i've mixed. equing & drums are proving to be a pain in the butt...heh.

anyways, here it is:

advice/input appreciated.
Well... this needs a lot of work.
the whole song sound extremely thin and harsh. there is a major lack of low end here.
Was there even a bass guitar at all? I think I hear it sometimes. Electric guitars sound like they are outside and they lack any definition whatsoever.
The vocals are washed out too, no definition and they are hidden in the mix somewhere. The main vocals clip heavily in some sections and sound terrible when it occurs.
In summary, you have a lot of work to do. You need to learn about compression and recording levels and how you can keep the vocals at a somewhat constant (and understandable) level.
Give us some more info about your setup and we will be able to give you some usable suggestions.


I dont know what kind of gear you are using to record, so I can't give you any ironclad suggestions about your setup or anything, but all I know is that the drums and guitars sound pretty thin and unexciting.

EDITED for completion of phrase!
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JazzMang said:
Give us some more info about your setup and we will be able to give you some usable suggestions.

i dont know what kind of gear you are using to record, so I can't give you any ironclad suggestions about your setup or anything, but all I know is that the drums (and possibly bass?.?)

hardware is a firepod, software is cubase.

the mic's are all on the low end side i guess. drum mic's are audiotech 4pack, with mxl small diaphram's as overheads, & another mxl on the hats. drumset is a yamaha stage custom
guitar setup is a vintage 30's cab with line6 head, only rack unit i'm using is a sonic maximizer. the guitar is a brian moore custom with a jb pickup.
guitar cab micing is small diaphram right dead center in the cone, & large slightly further away & offset.
bass & keys being recorded direct.
vocal mic is a mxl 990.

only drums that are eq'd are the snare & bass. drum & bass also compressed & gated & have a tube distortion effect on them. snare has reverb on it. toms have compression & slight reverb. hats have a limiter.
drums are eq'd as per i've read here. 80hz boost, 400hz cut, 3000 & 8000hz boost.
bass is boosted at 400.
i tried not to eq the guitars at all except for adding some mids.
i'm guess i'm just not great with tweaking because of the lack of monitors.

hopefully i can get a better idea of what it sounds like for other people once my monitors get here. i'm mixing now by making a mp3, then listening to it on my normal use desktop. then remixing based on the mp3. thats why the filename is-15. it took 15 mp3's to get that far....heh.

with that hardware, you should be able to get a very decent sound.
You definitely need to listen to it thru some monitors to get a grasp on what is actually going on in the song. Right now, the song majorly suffers from a lack of definition and soundscape because nothing sounds natural at all.

Let me know if you need anything else.

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After a quick listen the song sounded like it was mono, did you make use of panning on any of the instruments?
JasonB93117 said:
After a quick listen the song sounded like it was mono, did you make use of panning on any of the instruments?

just the left & right guitars. & some vocal stuff.

though i think i had a stereo/mono issue when i brought a cubase le file into sx. so that may be the reason for you saying that.
Ill try to say this as nice as I can. Here are the Big problems of many....
-Kick is like in a space completely of its own.
-The guitars are thin and close to being one of the quietest things in the mix
-Vocals are out of key quite a bit in many places. Pretty annoying

The balance is just way off on everything. It sounds like you have a guitar/bass mix playing with a kick track solo'd on top of it and someone singing over that. I don't know any other way to put it.
This is just how I hear it on my monitors. I definitely think a remix and maybe some re-tracking is warranted. You should be able to get better results judging from your equipment list.
guitar cab micing is small diaphram right dead center in the cone, & large slightly further away & offset.

You may want to check for phase issues. Its hard to say since the guitars were so quiet in the mix and it was an mp3. Phase cancellation can be the culprit behind thin sounds in many cases. Might be worth investigating.........
Wireneck said:
Ill try to say this as nice as I can. Here are the Big problems of many....
-Kick is like in a space completely of its own.
-The guitars are thin and close to being one of the quietest things in the mix
-Vocals are out of key quite a bit in many places. Pretty annoying

The balance is just way off on everything. It sounds like you have a guitar/bass mix playing with a kick track solo'd on top of it and someone singing over that. I don't know any other way to put it.
This is just how I hear it on my monitors. I definitely think a remix and maybe some re-tracking is warranted. You should be able to get better results judging from your equipment list.

thanks for the help. are you listening to the first post in this thread's track? or the one in the myspace link? the song i put on myspace is the most current thing.
if you are commenting on that one, can you listen to the first one to tell me where i went wrong?
the guitars seemed overpowering in the first mp3, maybe i backed off too much now.
i doubled the kick & panned them hard each way to try to get them to stand out more. but i guess thats why it's kinda on its own now, which makes sense.
the vocal, well, i may hafta use a bit of autotune i guess.

how can i check if phase is a problem with guitars? it'd be good to fix before i record any more guitars. this is the first song i'm mixing & such...
