Latency when using midi controller


New member
Hi all;

I managed to hook up my midi controller and run some software synthesizers (very cool). But am encountering latency issues (probably about 1/4 of a second delay from when i press the key till it makes noise. Have tried using The asio4all program but to no avail. The program I am using is Reaper, if that makes a difference.

Have read a bit about this problem and am thinking its one of these issues:

* User error - Dont know how to use asio4all properly (have fiddled a HEAP with all the settings though...doesnt seem to change squat), or have messed something else up.

* Not enough processing power - Its a pentium 4, 2.80 ghz, 512 MB of ram.....seems to run everything else with no i'd doubt that this is the issue

* Poor quality midi to USB adapter - Talked to a bloke who works in a music store today, and he said that there is a latency difference between cheaper and more expensive midi to USB adapters. I bought mine off Ebay.....yes it is probably considered to be a 'cheap' one.....but i was under the impression that it didnt make a noticeable difference......

Anyone wana throw me some ideas here? Anything i've missed out in considering? Should i try triggering the softsynths with a different program?

How i wish this problem would go away!!! :confused: :( Willing to try anything!!!
are you using ASIO4ALL as the driver in reaper? Have you turned the latency down to as low as it will go without audio artifacts?
altitude909 said:
are you using ASIO4ALL as the driver in reaper? Have you turned the latency down to as low as it will go without audio artifacts?
After you tackle that, throw in another 512 RAM....
Yep i used asio4all as the driver for reaper.....but honestly, i didnt exactly know how to use it. Can anyone give me some settings that might work???
find the ASIO4ALL control panel (in the start menu or via Reaper) and turn the latency down as low as it will go before starting to distort