Latency Issues


New member
I got my audiophile 2496 today.....sweeet! I am having a problem with latency, however. I am using Cubase SX, and when recording there's about a 1/2 second delay between what I play on my guitar and what comes out of my speakers. BTW, I am running the soundcards RCA's out into the Aux in on my stereo. Any suggestions?
I dont know if u tried this, maybe it will help, from the tool bar: devices / device setup / VST Multi track / control panel - when u get to ASIO buffer latency - choose 2ms and OK
If that doesn't work, try the Audiophile's "zero latency" monitoring feature: you can use the AP control panel to route the input straight through to the output without going through software. Tricky to set up, but works like a champ.