Latency is ruining my life...


New member
I don't know if it's produced by my V-Tech Dynamic mic or if it's the sound coming back through my headphones but I'm dealing with a sliver of latency...

On the guitar-- I'll put a track down, replay it (through my headphones) and do a solo over it. When I replay it's a sliver off. Enough to make my blood boil.

-I'm using a Line 6 audio interface
-Recording on Magix Audio Studio (2004).

I used 3 pairs of headphones and still got that lick of latency:

-$15 Skullcandy in ear buds.
-$80 Icemat Audio over-the-head headphones.
-$60 Auvio over-the-head headphones.

2 questions...
1) What's causing this?
2) If I get an extension cable (off ebay from Hong Cong) am I in for even MORE latency with the purchase of an extension cable???? :confused:
Mics and headphones dont cause latency.

Its all in the sound interface and drivers.

You should be using the ASIO drivers for your interface.
To lower the latency you then adjust the buffers and settings in the ASIO control panel.

Check your manuals....
and "No", unless your chord is actually stretching all the way from China, it will not add latency.
Long cheap cords can roll of some top end (popular with blues players for the mellow sound) but 'tis as Jim lad says.
Latency exists in all recordings BUT can be adjusted/toyed with as mentioned. READ & experiment.
Before Boss released new drivers for my interface (Windows 7) I installed ASIO4ALL - it really does help with latency issues.
Thank you all for your help!

I'm coming to find out that it might be me creating the latency :(
a BLOW to the ego, but a cheap fix -- learn to play with a metronome, haha.
Before Boss released new drivers for my interface (Windows 7) I installed ASIO4ALL - it really does help with latency issues.

I installed ASIO4ALL and got it to work inside Magix, I'm still getting a little bit of latency BUT it's a better than it was!
Just another quick question on the topic of latency...

I want to remove my computer tower from the room I'm recording in...

This is requires 3 USB extension cables (mouse, keyboard, interface) and 2 DVI monitor cables (both monitors)..

Does the same still apply? No latency from these cables?
I was also thinking of 1 extension cable and 1 USB hub...any thoughts on this?

Thanks again!