

New member
dunno if somebody will be able to awnser but, I just got a Toshiba Satellite A20, P4 2.66, 512 ram, 40 gigs. Te problem is, Cubase SX, and Nuendo are unstable on this pc! dunno why, the keep completely freese the laptop.

The soundcard is a cheap one, obviously, but I dont understand why it keep freesing.

I will buy a PCMCIA card to use my Nuendo Audiolink Multiset with the laptop in a few month, but I,d like to use the laptop for musik now!

the soundcard is a SoundMax

got an idea? suggestion?

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What operating system ? Make sure the programs are compatible with it.
Try uninstalling and install only 1 and see if it works. Process of elimination should help.
Check system info. for conflicts....drivers, etc..
Is the software cracked or legit ?
You are running a P4 2.66 laptop and there is no reason for the program to freeze. Try reinstalling the program completely and it may help your dropouts. If you are runnig XP or 2000 you shouldn't get those dropouts. See what other programs are running in teh background, if possible turn of all the other programs like the antivirus stuff before opening Cubase.
I bought a Midiman MobilePre...

And, Cubase and Nuendo are now ok!

so, yep, the WDM sound card was the cause of their malfunction!