Laptop recommendations.. pleassse!

without a trace

New member
what up... im lookin for a bit of advice... i recently purchased a presonus firepod and im very pleased with the quality on my personal computer but sooner or later im going to want to go mobile with it and take it to shows or just to jam sessions at friends...

so i'm askin any of you experts out there to give me suggestions on the type of laptop i should get... apple or pc? and i know the minimum specs for the firepod but if anyone can also recommend a specific model that'd be great too.
The G4 Powerbook is a great buy for this kind of thing. I also use a Dell XPS Gen2. Both are great, but expensive. If you want a Windows based laptop and plan on using it exclusively for recording, check out a lappy with an AMD processor, those seem to work really well. There are a couple companies that do some custom laptops that are really nice. Check out and I have use both of those companies and they are solid. The cheapest solution would be to find a company that does AMD. AMD has the best bang for the buck. Hope this helps.
If you already work with OSX and you can afford the $1,500 minimum, get a PowerBook G4. Your choices are limted to four or five configurations depending on screen size, cpu, etc. so the purchase is really straightforward. You might also go with an Apple if you really want to use Logic or Digital Perfomer. Otherwise, I would get a PC.