Lack of LOW or Too Much HIGH frequency?


New member
Bass Traps to reduced the LOW, and what if the room Lack of BASS/LOW? Is it caused by Too Much High?

** btw, I was treated the room with Rockwool Acoustic Panel.
Bass traps don't reduce the lows, they control the lows. You hear the low end better when the bass traps are installed as it tightens the low end. If the room is too bright then thats another issue.

So, how bout my room's issue?

It's hard to say, what are the dimensions of the room? What monitors are you using? What is in the room regarding flooring, ceiling, furniture?

There are a lot of variables. It could be that you need a bit more high end absorption, but I am a fan of broadband absorption as this reduces highs and tightens the mids.

Oh... It's control but not absorbed!
It's the potentially *reflected* energy that's absorbed. You're absorbing it at a boundary - after you've heard it the first time and hopefully enough that you're not hearing it again. It's making it so you're more closely hearing what the speakers are doing as opposed to how the room is reacting to that energy as it bounces around.

One of the usual benefits of broadband trapping is that it 'tames' the top end to some extent. Foam on the other hand, pretty much only reduces top end (which is about 5% of your problematic energy - leaving that 95% of energy to be 100% problem).

Long story short, you can never have "too much" broadband trapping. But on the flip side, it's very easy (and wholly ineffective) to overdo foam.

Your room doesn't lack low end. Your monitoring chain might -- And you could certainly have null points (or peaks) where the low end cancels itself out (or multiplies) at various frequencies at various distances from various boundaries. Again, that's the whole point of broadband absorption -- To minimize those peaks and nulls.