L-20 master issue


New member
Anybody experience this.. I set markers for our songs as to where we actually start playing.. often there's a minute after I hit record where we are talking or getting ready to begin. When I do my masters, I get cued up at the marker for the song's real start time, toggle my master record, overdub, record arm and then hit play and away it goes. When all my songs are done I'm finding the recording actually started at the beginning of the track and not at my marker, the place where I was when I began the mastering. What's up with that? I can trim them afterwards in my DAW but just finding it baffling. I'm following all the instructions. Is this a flaw or is there something I'm missing?
Thanks for the reply, BTStudio.. its weird as I'm certain that some of my masters DID only have my trimmed songs where I started at my marker.. but others give me the whole track with all the chatter before we get serious and the chatter afterwards.. eventually I'll get better at starting the recording when we're all ready (I did buy the pedal so just have to start using it).. and I can trim them in the DAW, not a huge issue, I just wondered if there was something I forgot to set or if the markers only worked on the mixer when you want to ff to a spot. If I figure anything out I'll post my findings
Thanks for the reply, BTStudio.. its weird as I'm certain that some of my masters DID only have my trimmed songs where I started at my marker.. but others give me the whole track with all the chatter before we get serious and the chatter afterwards.. eventually I'll get better at starting the recording when we're all ready (I did buy the pedal so just have to start using it).. and I can trim them in the DAW, not a huge issue, I just wondered if there was something I forgot to set or if the markers only worked on the mixer when you want to ff to a spot. If I figure anything out I'll post my findings
What are you recording on? I use the zoom R24 but send everything to the DAW for mixing, effects etc. Don’t do any mixing or editing on the Zoom

Duh L20. Geez I’m observant.
Like BT, I've got a Zoom R24 and I dump EVERYTHING to Reaper for editing, except if I just want to listen to the tracks to make sure I have what I want. I have mixed on the R24, but is was far more trouble than it was worth.

Unless you are using effects in the L20, transfer the files to your computer and do your cut and pastes there! At the least, just mix everything the way you want, dump the complete mix and do the cut and paste in Audacity. It's perfect for that kind of work.
Thanks for your replies guys. I tend to do most of my mixing and mastering on the L-20 itself.. maybe I'm old school and prefer sliders than mousing around software, but also my monitoring speakers and headphones are down in the basement with all my gear setup. But since I still pop out the SD card and bring it upstairs to my iMac to splice it into our videos, I've tried out Garage Band since it's on the mac anyways (I used Ableton for years, was great but didn't love the work flow. I mean it was fantastic, just too much for my needs) and maybe one day I'll upgrade to LogicPro) and it was very easy to use.. did a bit with it and all good.. it's just, I'm the drummer, the audio engineer, do all the video recording, then put it all together in Davinci Resolve to make band videos for our youtube channel.. it's endless effort which I do love, but still working full time insanity weekdays and house repairs and chores all weekend.. so finding time to get good at all the music hobby is overwhelming which is why I tend to just sit at the mixer when the guys are gone and do my best there so I can just take the masters and drop them into Resolve and bang out some videos for just our band to view so we can laugh at all our mistakes :-) But I'm retiring in the next year or so and at that point I hope to spend my days learning and practicing with the Livetrak and Logic or whatever I go with.