Lähde Nyt=Go Now...

King Soda

New member
ok...I have a friend who's a really talented musician and im really frightened to present any of my songs to him. I've been thinkin about giving him a cd with some tunes but i don't know how i should record the songs. As you can propably see my musical confidence isnt in a very good state at the moment. This is where you guys come in...please go to mp3.com/kingsoda and listen to the track LAHDE NYT. The song is in finnish,but dont let that bother you,id be extremely grateful if you could give me some sorta feedback...if the song is pure shite say so,if the vocals are totally embarrassing say so. I tried to record the song in a totally basic style drums,acoustic guits and some keyboards...Thanks in advance
King Soda,
I thought it sounded pretty good. I liked the way the organ/keyboard and then the lead guitar came in towards the end.

The drumbeat and the acoustic guitar were a little too close for me, causing them both to sound somewhat mechanical, as if the guitar was "marching"... If you changed up the drumbeat to something that was emphasizing the backbeat or some different syncopation, that would probably loosen things up.


Sounds like the idea of the song is there....just needs some tweaking and polish. If your friend could help with that why not present him with the song?

My main criticism would be the mix. Experiment with some panning to create a little space in the mix and try blending the instruments more subtly as they come and go. As it is now it sounds a little harsh and stiff. The vocal had a more soft, silky sound to it....hopefully if the instruments were softer and silkier too it would create a total sound/feel to the tune. I also agree with Queue's comment about the "mechanical" sounding drums.