
Sonic Valley

New member
Hey fellas....been running this box for a year solid with not a studder....not it's giving me problems...after about 6 minutes this crackling starts to grow. I've been thru everything I can think of and still it persists. Anyone else experience this?

I'm running Nuendo with XP Pro on a Dual 1.6 with over 2g o ram
I think you need more memory, and a faster CPU :D (just kidding)

Describe the crackling ...does it sound like it could be the fan?
Thanx for the quick reply dude. I've got a session starting soon

It's just a it's breaking builds till it's not able to listen to...buffers are fine in the card and in Nuendo. I'm trying to think of any major changes done to that box latley...and nothing....we added a second card but it was doing that before that installation.

Could that 2nd card be messing up the clock?

Many times, in a digital environment, crackling and popping noises are related to clocking issues....

I know in my system, if my ADATs/HD24 is off and I don' t reset the clock manually in my Audiophile settings for internal clocking (normally my Lucid clocks the HD24, which clocks the computer), then I get all sorts of crackling.......
I'm gonna try that right now...thanx Bruce. Both clocks in the Delta 1010 and the other Audiophile are set to internal....should the audiophile's clock slave off the 1010?
When I'm not clocking my computer externally, I set my Audiophile to INTERNAL in the configuration panel....

I've stored several settings there so that I can call them up on demand..........
Ya I do the same...not sure what the problem is...bands here and we're ready to roll so here we go limp'n thru this