kurzweil mangler does the job!


New member
:D recently i posted a thread about trying to get a good multi efx processor at a decent price. and here are my results.

after getting frusted on spending money on plugins(that didint do it for me) i decided to purchuse a few multi efx processors and what a difference those the hardward efxs make! even a mangler thats about 500 bucks is much better then any of my software plugins. and i have a few.

to me hardware just sounds better. i know some may say its not the money or the hardware you have, but how you use it and thats true to a certain point. but i think decent hardware efx outshine even the best plugins out there. for months now i've been pounding my head trying to get that nice hiphop feel to my tracks with plugins, and i know a thing or two about compressors,gates, reverbs etc, but the software plugins just cant do the tracks justice.(and yes i have great sounds to start with)

now before you cut me a new asshole, keep in mind i spent 500 bucks on the uad1 package. and damn near an arm and a leg for the waves bundles. and im hear to tell you if you want the job done then get your ass into some hardware! the mangler for starters is pretty good, i was a strickly hardware boy about 5 years ago turn strickly computer boy now im a hardware mannnn!!!! again!!! :rolleyes:

ps what the hell is this post about?anyway peace :D
I've sort of gone to an approach where feature tracks get the hardware while everything else in the mix gets plugins.

Congrats on the Mangler.
you dont think that the hardware stuff out shines the plugins? to the point were the plugin stuff sounds dull?
I've never fully understood the appeal of plugins. The flight to plugins has always seemed a bit like a mass delusion to me. Sure, I understand the convenience of them, all the settings getting saved with the file, instant recall, etc. But the tonality of *most* plugins I've auditioned has been suspect.

My experience is that in most cases hardware signal processing does indeed outshine plugins. I do own a carefully selected set up plugins, which are very useful at times. But overall, I find that it is easier to mix with hardware, the mix tends to pull together easier and faster, and it gels better. I find I spend less time doing what I did with plugins, which was: tweaking settings, tweaking settings, tweaking settings and *still* never being completely satisfied.

The rush to plugins has been great in some other respects though. I've been able to pick up some great gear on eBay for excellent prices.

Interestingly, I think the tide may be slowly turning. Sometimes I have other studios owners over to my studio, and one comment I've been getting a lot lately is along the lines of "don't sell your hardware outboard, I went to all plugins and I'm not happy with it". I know people that went all plugin and all digital and are now going back to hardware, both for mixing and for outboard.
SonicAlbert said:
I've never fully understood the appeal of plugins. The flight to plugins has always seemed a bit like a mass delusion to me. Sure, I understand the convenience of them, all the settings getting saved with the file, instant recall, etc. But the tonality of *most* plugins I've auditioned has been suspect.

My experience is that in most cases hardware signal processing does indeed outshine plugins. I do own a carefully selected set up plugins, which are very useful at times. But overall, I find that it is easier to mix with hardware, the mix tends to pull together easier and faster, and it gels better. I find I spend less time doing what I did with plugins, which was: tweaking settings, tweaking settings, tweaking settings and *still* never being completely satisfied.

The rush to plugins has been great in some other respects though. I've been able to pick up some great gear on eBay for excellent prices.

Interestingly, I think the tide may be slowly turning. Sometimes I have other studios owners over to my studio, and one comment I've been getting a lot lately is along the lines of "don't sell your hardware outboard, I went to all plugins and I'm not happy with it". I know people that went all plugin and all digital and are now going back to hardware, both for mixing and for outboard.

you couldnt be more right! i think when digital stuff first hit i was caught by it, not because it was better but because it was different. I quickly ran toward it, but now after a few years i think i made a mistake. tweaking teaking and more teaking is what you do when you use soley plugins, but with the mangler my mix started to glue together in just 15mins and the fucking machine doesnt even have a good eq! man this shit is awesomeeeeeeeee!!!! cant wait to save up and get the eclipse or the ksp 8 man that'll be the day i jump out of my window buttass naked with my mic in my hand!!! mic check mic check!!! lol wow! sorry :eek: