Ksm 32


New member
I saw Alison Krause at the Murat in Indianapolis last night. I was a little disappointed in her vocal sound throughout the night until, when the band came out to do a couple encore numbers they all gathered around a KSM 32 – Alison in the middle and the two guitar players on either side. The sound was incredible! The blend of the voices was beautiful, and the relative levels (determined by distance alone) just perfect. The bass player was on his own KSM 32, singing bass, and the sound was awesome!
I don’t know what mic she had been using for the rest of the concert, but the KSM 32 put it to shame.
Minimalism can often be a big help for sound reenforcement as well as recording and air is certainly the best mixer ever made.
Everybody sounded GREAT on American Bandstand, too... no matter what mic was in front of them.

It didn't even matter that the mics weren't plugged in... catch my drift? ;)
Was she going close-miced for the rest of the show?

JM350 wrote:
...air is certainly the best mixer ever made.

No. She was working the mic, but something wasn't right. I wish I could identify the mic. I had no interest in it so I didn't ask.


Are you familiar with Alison Krause?
I have read many of your posts, and consider you to be very knowledgeable. However, I can assure you nothing was pre-recorded.
Whatever her other mic was, the KSM 32 sounded much better. In fact, it sounded GREAT! I thought, perhaps, some subscribers to this forum might appreciate hearing that.