KRK V8's

Strange Leaf

New member
I'm looking for a set of monitors than will translate my mixes very well, and not give me listening fatigue.

I'm leaning towards the KRK V8's.

Tell me how good they are.
I could tell you, but it won't help.... monitor choice is subjective, period!

I work well with the V8s because they give me the midrange detail I'm looking for, but they aren't as smooth-sounding as, say, Tannoy Reveals or Event 20/20s.

A few clients hate the way reference material they brought to the studio which they considered "well-recorded" clearly reveals the flaws when played back on the V8s... and yet I put on something that is truly well-recorded, and they sound excellent.

So I've found them to be a very revealing monitor and I love them for both tracking with and mixing.

For the clients who couldn't get their ears around them, however, I use a pair of B&W 601s to give them "the gloss".
I think KRK's are harsh sounding monitors. Might as well use NS-10's with a sub. :D

I didn't find KRK's to be any more "revealing" than any number of near fields on the market.

Event 20/20 are decent. You might also look into the Sundholm SL 8's. VERY detailed monitor that is smooth as hell.

Have you ever made the side by side comparison Bruce? I have. Not much difference really. If anything, I appreciated the better midrange detail of the NS-10's, and with the sub, I got a far more accurate picture of the low's than the V8's could deliver.

I just want to add that when I tried to use the V8's, I had the V8's, the NS-10's with a sub, and Event 20/20's. The producer and I both agreed that the V8's were too fatiquing to listen to for more than 30 mins or so (which is what we also thought of the NS-10's.)

Event 20/20's on the other hand. I can listen to them for hours, and what I love about them is that I hear reverb tails that few monitors give.

In the end though, Meyer HD1's just kick some ass! :) I wish I could afford a pair. Maybe next year.

Blue Bear Sound said:

I work well with the V8s because they give me the midrange detail I'm looking for, but they aren't as smooth-sounding as, say, Tannoy Reveals or Event 20/20s.

How about the KRK ST-8? Are these new? I ran across them at and hadn't heard of them before.

Anyone tried them?
sonusman said:
Have you ever made the side by side comparison Bruce? I have. Not much difference really. If anything, I appreciated the better midrange detail of the NS-10's, and with the sub, I got a far more accurate picture of the low's than the V8's could deliver.


Never had them side by side, but I used NS-10s for several years and absolutely hated them. I know what they sound like and I don't find the V8s sound like them.... actually I found the Yamaha MSP10s(?) sound more like them than the V8s do.

Also - I tried Event PS-6s -- nice monitors (similar in characteristic to 20/20s only smaller sounding) -- too nice for my tastes -- glossed-over too many things in the mids....

All the more proof that monitor choice is pretty subjective!!!
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beatles vs stones
mac vs pc
KrK vs others ...

I found Krk coloring in a way that i didn't like... As bruce said: monitoring is highly personal and subjective - the mixes I've heard from him sound good, though they're made on monitors I know I can't mix on...

oh yeah, don't go out buying monitors without hearing them first, preferably side by side with other brands/models...

I remember when I was shopping for monitors that the first set I heard were Behringer Thruths ... I was shocked at how good they sounded, being bright and deep, compact mid, etc...
then the store-guy switched to Genelec .... :eek: :eek: :eek: What I thought was bright on the Truths was actually harsh, deep equalled mud and compact is actually: scooped mids...

Problem is, where I live I can't audtion the V8's. Only the V4 and the V6. I love the V4's but they are lacking in bass for natural reasons. I wonder if the V8's are as good but with added bass or have a different sound ?

Often, the bigger woofer you got, the more bass you get but also the midrange can lose detail.
Lol..i have a pair of v8's that aren't even used..they just......welll..uhmm...stand there.....not even connected

I use the Tannoy system 1200 and 800 right now....