KRK V6s vs Mackie HR624 Monitors


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KRK V6s vs Mackie HR624

i know the Mackies list for a bit more, but by quality and translation to other systems accurately, which gets your first pick? - KRK V6s vs Mackie HR624 ? (the discontinued models cause i can get the mackies for 500 the pair. in a box)

i like the Mackies but i didn't have a good pair of v6's or my own mixes to AB against,
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its always so complicated imo.
i had the KRK's at home once, but they weren't enough difference from my current ones to spend more money and then sell my others...yaddayaydada..
lateral kind of move. what I'm sayin is your in the same "range". Probably subtle personal taste differences only.

in that, the KRK's were great.
What changed my opinion on the Mackies was an old magazine when they first came out. The design is pretty intense really.... very cool.

whats it all about?
me and my bro always end up confused... when you get someone like Rami, who can use car speakers and make excellent mixes...?:confused:
reminds me as Monty Python said "my brain hurts.."

good luck, you probably can't go wrong on either...

I guess I'd vote the cheaper one, if they sound the same to you. then you can buy more gear and 703?:D
Given the choice I would go with KRKs. While I never owned either, in the studios that I worked at that had KRKs versus Mackie monitors the KRKs seemed to translate better. Of course it wasn't a controlled experiment since it was different studios. The KRKs seemed to have a better mid while the Mackies sounded "hyped". In pro audio monitoring often it's not what "sounds better" but what "reveals better".
I think you've got to the quality range where the differences are no longer technical but much more subjective, ie what do YOU want out of the monitors?

I don't really think you can go wrong with either of them. But are you sure of your pricing? that the V6s and the 624s are the same price?

I own the HR624s (old ones, not Mk2s) and I love'em, I find the translate well, aren't fatiguing and are revealing.

But as I said, I don't think you can go wrong with either of these models.