Korg Triton Workstation

Good board, Tritons are awesome. Look at the Yamaha motif also, another great board.

Or if you want a real mans keyboard, get a Casio... j/k.
Which model you think I should get? I've heard alot of good things about the Motif also....... I'm debating!!
Depends on your needs.

Do you need 88 wieghted keys or will 61 do? Do you need this feature or that? Go to GC when you have an hour or 2 and play with what they got, thats the only way to tell. Yamaha, Korg, Roland are my 'prefered' brands and I have owned products from all of them. I would like to own a Kurzweil someday, but cant afford to right now :)

Buying a keyboard is a personal thing, y'know. Its like a pair of shorts, you could buy the same size, style and fabric as me, but that dosent mean your going to look good in them.

- Gunther
Triton might be overkill for you in that case. You might not need all that power, especially since your a keyboard beginner :)

Maybe a used roland jv1010 or something like that would be better (only $200, used). Its not a keyboard, just a box that makes sounds. If you need keys, for like $80 you can get a midi controler. Work the jv1010 with cakewalk, and your all set. you can do beats, bass lines, synth sounds.. whatever.

They have the JX2020 or something that replaced the 1010, thats probably an awesome thing for you to get, if you want new gear.

On the other hand; If you want the best sound, and you have plenty of money, and you plan on spending a little time to learn the keyboard, get a triton, you wont regret it.
I mean, is it a big deal if I don't know how to play? I just thought that you could make tighter beats and it had more options. It was either that or an MPC 2000
Yeah, everything you do will sound better on a Triton or Motif than on a ‘lesser’ board. But less expensive gear will sound almost as good with what you’re doing. All the features that make the triton so powerful you might never use... to me it’s a waste of money that can go to things like a better mixer or an effects unit or a mic.

Anyway, just making beats on a triton is like buying a Porsche 911 just to get the groceries. Yeah it can do the job, and it can do it well (except for the lack of trunk space, but lets forget about that for a sec, ok). The question is, do you need all that much car to do such a simple job?

But all this is just my opinion, it’s your money and studio, so who cares what I say :)

And s**t man, you reply quickly. I was just checking my spelling, seeing if I needed to edit anything, and bam… 2 seconds after I posted you replied.
OOOHHH that helps alot...... I was thinking that to. So what would you suggest for cheaper for beats? should I go with the MPC 2000 or is there something you know of cheaper that could produce some hot beats
RBrez said:
I mean, is it a big deal if I don't know how to play? I just thought that you could make tighter beats and it had more options. It was either that or an MPC 2000

Just remember..its not always the gear your using but the mind behind it thats operating it..Triton's can be a beast with the right person behind it...But I have also heard better beats made off Fruity Loops that sound better then some stuff made on the Triton so it all depends on the talent you got..

As for Triton vs Mo I say go to your local music shop and play with both of them...they both got their pro's and con's..
Just figured I should give some sort of reference...
This is a technoish sorta thing I did with my JV1010.. a 400$ unit that can be had today for 200 - 300.

Please forgive my suckyness....

Darn, I uploaded the wrong MP3 last night... (was a little buzzed on good ole Sam Adams.) I put the right one on now, so you can hear a little of what my roland jv1010 can do...

Anyway, my point... my cheap module that sells for $200 - $400 dosen't sound half bad, does it? If thats good enough for you, you might be able to save some bucks that you can use on other gear.
Now if you got a recording contract or something good going on, you might want the best. But as a newcomer to keys, might just want a decent cheap unit to learn on... then when you outgrow your first board you can move up to a Triton or Motif.

Kinda goes against the buy cheap buy again theory... but then again keyboards that used to cost a few thousand are now less useful than a $199 casio... the same will be true of the triton.
RBrez, a triton or a motif will bring a hole different talent out of you.. i know where your comming from.. your tryin to make beats but you don't know how to play the keyboard.. neither do i.... you can't tell when you listen to my songs though..
i am learning now.. but some of my best beats i didn't know how to play my triton studio i just put my heart in it and played by ear...
to me.. i feel you should cop a triton classic and if you don't wanna spend all the cheese.. get it off ebay... it'll take you a few hard hours to learn the triton... get yourself a teach yourself piano book and do what you wanna do..

do you have any quick mp3 samples of anything that you have made...
A triton for someone who cant find middle C might be a little overkill. I say start w/ an inexpensive Zoom Beatbox or Dr-rhythym and upgrade from there. Unless of course, money is no object.
that's why i said at least get some books.. teaching keys,chords etc...if he has the money for it,buy 1 powerful piece that he won't have to upgrade from. as he gets better he can update some things and or add sound modules etc..
Equip vs. Skill

Ive heard people who can t play any keys drop some slappin Beats.. Hip Hop is a new beast in that it is different talent from playing keys.. I dont play keys have a Motif and love the ffn thing the death.

Triton is cool too.. Drums are so-so... But the key is expandability... If you can add sounds to the presets your in the right direction... MPC's are popular cause they really dont get played out.. You keep feeding them.... When those sounds are old feed it some more.. Them Motif has it, the Triton hass it and Im sure a few more too...

Get tham all !!!