Korg TR display screen

k bucks

New member

I recently got a Korg TR. Works great, but do to some carelessness, I've already managed to scratch up the display screen. It's not bad at all, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about possible coverings/shielding for the screen part so it doesn't get any worse! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

woo! Korg TR! I have one as well and enjoy it much. The only advice that I can give you is to get some of the stuff that they use to cover PDA's and Cellphone screens. You can most likely get a sheet of it from a staples, office depot, or simliary type of store. If you go in and say you want to buy something that you can use on a touchscreen or LCD scree to protect it, they should be able to help you. It's usually adhesive as well, so you just cut it to the right size, then stick it on there! good luck!