Korg D-16 Drive Noise?

New Fool

New member

Is anyone out there having a problem recording in the sam room as the4 D-16 with condenser mics? According to 2 people I've spoken to they can't hear the drive noise even with headphones and mic on.

Its just quite annoying because the clicking is also there when you play back, so you don't know if the recorded track also recorded the clicking!!! (until you burn to CD but that's such a hassle).

Am I the only one having this problem?


New Fool
New Fool,

Just got a D16 and have to say that I'm not experiencing any difficulties with using a condensor mic in the same room.
Just out of curiosity, what mic are you using, with what pattern (if it's switchable) and where is it located in relation to the recorder?
I know that my drive is quiet enough that I'd almost have to be trying in order to pick up the sound in my mic (an AT4033)

One suggestion I can offer is to move your mic a little farther away from the deck. I have a Roland vs-880 that can get noisy at times. Since I am a one man show, I typically get the mic close enough in the beginning to be able to set levels and such. I then move it away when I am ready to track. The only problem that this causes is timimg to which I usually leave a little blank space before starting the song so that I can get into position before I have to start playing or singing.

Hope this helps, Joe
Ditto on leaving extra timing at the beginning. This saves me some headaches and contributes to a more relaxed performance if I don't have to run across the room after hitting record!

Yes, the d16 can have a "clangy" hard drive sometimes. Not a problem if you have a separate control room (which most of us don't). However, I have had very little problem with this if I use good mic placement. I don't have a vocal booth, so I sometimes put a little piece of foam between the d16 and the vocalist.

I always record using a count-in of eight counts, with the last two silent. This lets me place the mic far enough away if I'm recording by myself. When mixing I just edit it out.
Thanks, all. From what I understand, the D-16s are not made to the same standard. My dealer tried mine out with 2 others in his stock and they seemed to be noisy as well. But others, I know, can't hear a darn thing.

As for running across the room, dont really need to do that. Just get a cheap footswitch, and you can start/stop as and when you want. Its also brilliant for punching in manually.

Thanks again.

New Fool