Knob Twiddling


New member
Hi everyone.. I've been learning this cubase beast and one thing I have discovered is that I really dislike twiddling virtual knobs with a mouse. It just does not suite the way mice work... you know what I mean? You can draw lots of things with a mouse but drawing a circle is awkward and not really very accurate. I notice there are some knobs that automatically pop up a horizontal slider when you click on the knob (Every knob in Live does that.. one of my favorite things about that interface) but in Cubase 4.1.3 those virtual knob sliders are in the minority and I don't see it on any of the VST' or Effects.

I have an M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 with lots of knobs... but there seems to be a limitation on what you can actually assign those REAL knobs and sliders too (mostly the mixing functions and 8 "quick controllers") I'd love to be able to assign Keyboard controller knobs to effects knobs and some of the VST's. but i'm not finding much in the documentation.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.