Kjaerhus Golden EQ


New member
I use the Classic series on a regular basis but have always been intrigued by the Gold Series. I've been kinda struggling with the native EQ's in Cubase, mainly not being able to make small adjustments to a satisfactory level. I knew the entire Gold series is available to download and use fully for a 2-week trial so I thought I'd give the GEQ a go. WOW! In just a couple of hours with it I have made those fine adjustments I was struggling with and the colour it adds sounds awesome. This is the first EQ plugin I've ever used as I've always just used the standard Cubase ones. I'm VERY impressed, but also a little depressed as I'm completely broke ATM and would really love to buy it at the end of my trial :D Ah well, I'm gonna at least get the most out of it for a couple of weeks. As a matter of interest, what do you all use for EQ plugins? I could really use some recommendations for some free ones as I think I've realised the Cubase ones are pretty average. :)