King Bloom - Overgrown

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I used to play in a band called King Bloom, it's been some time since it's release (4 years as of this post) and I would like to pay it forward. I've lurked this forum practicing mixes that people have posted and would love to give you all something new.

It's a full band alt-rock/emo song, you can listen to it using the bandcamp link below. I'd love to hear criticism of my mix, and I'd love to hear what you guys come up with.

The tracks are raw, unprocessed, exports. They're a bit messy, but workable. The song should be in Bmaj if I remember correctly, intro tempo is 110bpm, picks up to 143bpm once you hear quarter notes syncopation on the high hat

Bandcamp: Overgrown | King Bloom

Hey, Headline! This is my very first interaction on! I downloaded your tracks yesterday so I could shake the dust off of my mixing skills. LOL. I'll have to post a few times before I'm allowed to post the link to my version of the mix. Thanks for the upload!
Hey, Headline! This is my very first interaction on! I downloaded your tracks yesterday so I could shake the dust off of my mixing skills. LOL. I'll have to post a few times before I'm allowed to post the link to my version of the mix. Thanks for the upload!

No problem! :D

Also if you guys want to try other tracks off of that EP that I linked feel free to let me know and I'll post em, too. This track is just my favorite
That's awesome! I just tried to upload the link, but I think it's still too early.
Do all the tracks start at the same place? (so I can just drag them into my DAW)

What type of files are these? MP3?
Here's my rough mix. Had a bit of trouble sorting out the guitar parts. There were spots were the parts were duplicates on different tracks, so it would collapse the guitars to mono. Had to use a little trickery to get them to stay stereo. If I get time, I will sort through them some more and add some automation. Cool song though. Wish I had everything up and running to give it a better go.

I can only mix/listen on headphones right now, so I can't give a lot of feedback on the other mixes.
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Uploaded a second version, let me know what you think! I took a more post-rocky approach with the lead guitars. Anyways, thank you for the opportunity!
Just signed up so it will take a few posts before I can post my mix, am I allowed to my mix of this for my portfolio and upload it to youtube? If not that is ok.
am I allowed to my mix of this for my portfolio and upload it to youtube? If not that is ok.

You may mix this for your portfolio, please post this in the description of the track

Engineered by Michael Flaherty
Additional Engineering done by the members of King Bloom
Here is the mastered version. Please feel free to critique anything that I post.

Feels a little dark for my taste, but this song is dark as is, so fair :p Panning of toms feels a little wide to me, overheads are missing some brightness overall, vocals sit really well, that's about it I can think of
Uploaded a second version, let me know what you think! I took a more post-rocky approach with the lead guitars. Anyways, thank you for the opportunity!

The delay on lead guitar is very interesting, I've never heard my part with this change and I honestly like it more that I pictured I would!

There's a certain depth to this mix that I really like, snare feels solid.

I like what you did with the guitars, it's a completely different sound than what we were going for, but it's very appropriate. My only major complaint is that there's a frequency that pops out a bit strongly in the very beginning on the lead part.
Reworked my mix, and brought the limiter on the 2 buss down. Finally have monitors set up, but in a new room, so any feedback is greatly appreciated. Listened to several of the mixes on computer speakers and in my car (which has a pretty good stereo, and pretty flat down to 40hz). Most of them were pretty bottom heavy in the car, and on the computer speakers the kick was not very defined. Other than that, they sound pretty good. On my studio monitors the discrepancies were mostly taste, and the bottom and kick issues are not as apparent. However, I don't trust my monitors yet. Room has not been treated or tuned either. Thanks again Headline for the cool tune and letting us practice with it!

