kick drum hell! HELP!!!


New member
I'm a young up and coming engineer. My band Is going to be recording in 2 weeks and I dont have a kick drum mic! Every other time I recorded I had one to use. I have 5 sm58's and am going to have to use one of them to record.

How do I eliminate the basketball type sound? I put a compressor on it put it doesnt help much.


Daht32 said:
I'm a young up and coming engineer. My band Is going to be recording in 2 weeks and I dont have a kick drum mic! Every other time I recorded I had one to use. I have 5 sm58's and am going to have to use one of them to record.

How do I eliminate the basketball type sound? I put a compressor on it put it doesnt help much.



1. How is the kick tuned?
2. What muffling is in it?
3. What kind of mallet are you using?
4. What kind of kick sound are you trying to get?

well I have it tuned really well for everyday use. but I know that it isnt good for recording. I dont know how else to tune it though.

I have no padding. I use an aquarian super kick. it doesnt need padding.

I'm using a semi hard mallet

I would like to get a lot of punch but have it be lower pitched i guess. kind of like Kevin Miller from FUEL. off of Something like Human.
Daht32 said:

well I have it tuned really well for everyday use. but I know that it isnt good for recording. I dont know how else to tune it though.

I have no padding. I use an aquarian super kick. it doesnt need padding.

I'm using a semi hard mallet

I would like to get a lot of punch but have it be lower pitched i guess. kind of like Kevin Miller from FUEL. off of Something like Human.

Again, please answer the questions I asked. What you posted was of no use to me, which means I can't give you any suggestions.
I'm going to go listen to some Fuel online to see what your looking for...I'm not familiar with fuel.. I've heard of them, but never heard them.
I don't listen to the radio, or watch Mtv or any of that, so I have no idea what it sounds like...)

hello Daht32,

you at least need two processors: 1. a compressor and 2. a Parametric EQ. without these two items it can be difficult getting the punch and low end you want. you can substitue a graphic EQ for the parametric, but the results are a bit harder to obtain. if you have these two processors then maybe you'll find this to be a good starting point:

Signal Chain (Note settings are starting points):

Compressor => EQ


Thresohold: Deep into signal -30db
Ratio: INF or Close
Knee: Hard
Attack: 35ms
Release: 80ms

Eq1: Adjust Level for Low end Feel
Gain: 8db
Freq: 60
Q: 1.41
Type: BandPass

Eq2: Adjust Freq to removed Basketball/Cardboard sound
Gain: -17db
Freq: 550
Q: .26
Type: BandPass

Eq3: Adjust Gain for Punch
Gain: 6db
Freq: 3300
Q: 6.5
Type: BandPass

Eq4: Adjust Gain for Click
Gain: 7db
Freq: 9k
Q: 6.5
Type: BandPass

Post a .wav of your sample for me to download.
Post mic placment and what mic your using.

I have no idea who Fuel are. Maybe try to hear some of the samples I put up on the drum article and that might put you in the right direction.
Go to the drum mixing article

I disagree with a few of your freq choices. But compression and Eq will get him closer as you suggested.
hi Shailat,

my Frequency selections are based on my Kick and how i have it tuned. i tried to imply that these are starting places only. everyones got their own selections.

how about listing yours. :)

If you want to get the best kick sound with little fuss, beg borrow or steal a drum module that can be triggered by a mic, like an Alesis DM-5.
You can pick from a heap of sampled kick sounds that are clean and predictable. It's one less mic choice to make, no mic bleed to
worry about and that's probably the way Fuel got there kick sound anyway.

By doing this you can dedicate your outboard gear to more important aspects of your mix.
Using a sample will also give you no dynamics, unlike a real drummer who hits the kick each and every time with a different dynamic. Much more musical......

You have a point, but the module is velocity sensitive even with a mic as a trigger and how musical is a compressed, gated and over eq'd kick anyway?
Speaking of triggers...does anyone know of any software solutions? Plugins, VST instruments, etc.? The only one I've seen is the "BeatBox" plugin that comes with the mda plugin pack and it has some definite problems.
Drumagog is a Drum sample replacer. it's also got dynamic triggering that's pretty effective and you can use your own samples with it.