Keys into direct boxes?


New member
I'm wanting to run my keys through a tube mic pre before going to my converters, but I think they operate at line level, correct? Would sending them into a Hi Z input cause a problem? How would you go about this? Use the pre as an insert?
i take it there's no dedicated hi-z input??? make sure... if not then a DI is a good way to get in... no dont use it as an insert... what pre is it??? and from there where do you have to go???
I'm wanting to run my keys through a tube mic pre before going to my converters, but I think they operate at line level, correct? Would sending them into a Hi Z input cause a problem? How would you go about this? Use the pre as an insert?

If you are running a mike pre, then the best option is to go via a DI, i.e. keyboard => DI => pre.

However, I'm not convinced of any great benefit of doing this. I think you may as well simply go from key line out to line in on your interface (or mixer).
However, I'm not convinced of any great benefit of doing this. I think you may as well simply go from key line out to line in on your interface (or mixer).

i can only tell you that going from Kurz-tascam line in doesnt get it compared to kurz-dbx tube pre-tascam line ins.... ymmv...
It's an ART Pro MPA II preamp. It does have a dedicated hi Z input, which is mainly what I was asking about. Its own internal direct box. I want to push the tube into non-linear gain and fatten the keys up a bit. I just didn't know if introducing the high impedance would cause a problem for the output of the keyboard, and there's no line level input on the preamp. Obviously I'll just try it and see what it sounds like when it arrives.
