Keyboards and a BR1600


New member
Right now I own a BR1600 and am planning on adding a keyboard to my setup in the near future (right now everything I play is either played on guitar, sang or generated in the 1600)

How would I go about connecting the keyboard to be able to record in the BR1600? I was reading up on the Fantom Xa (one of the keyboards I'm leaning towards at the moment) and noticed it doesn't have a digital I/O...would that be a problem?
:D Yo Daddy of "da" FunK:]

I do believe that you can connect most "any" quality keyboard to you recorder via the old 1/4 inch plugs. Its analog sound goes into the recorder and is passed through the converters analog to digital. When, you "hear" the sound it is analog but recorded in the digital domain.

Some keyboard gear has, or may have, digital outs but since you are hearing your guitar or keyboard via the cans, you are hearing the analog quality of you input, which goes through the A/D converters and is recorded.

If you are PC based, you can still "hear" the analog going in and the recorded result when you need to hear what you have done so far in a project of multiple tracks.

So, I'm assuming your BR is a digital recorder, like my Yam 2816; in goes the analog converted to digital, then back to analog.

Listening to zeroes and ones is not very gratifying unless they convert.

Green Hornet :D :cool:

Lots of info here if you search.
If you are using something like the Fantom you have a few cool options!
Since the Fantom Xa is a sequencing workstation type of synth you can record Ideas or full parts in the synth itself and not use up precious audio tracks till mixdown.

Its called MIDI sync, since both the Xa and 1600 have MIDI Ins and outs.

What you can do is hook the MIDI out of the BR-1600 to the MIDI in of the Fantom Xa. Then set the Fantom Xa as a slave or to use an external MIDI clock(Its all in there manual). Then the BR-1600 would be the master clock and tell the Fantoms sequencer when to start and stop playing.

Its basicly like having 32 tracks when your done(16 audio and 16 MIDI)......

I do this all the time with my friends Triton and My ZOOM hard disk recorder.

Look through the manuals of the BR-and the Xa if this seems confusing.

But on to your question on the digital out its not a huge deal realy when you are using a synth like the Xa as its a great and clean sounding synth already, you wont hear any huge noticable noise when pluged in by analog.

Have fun and ask away if you need any help.


I came across this thread and I have a question as it relates to connecting a keyboard to the BR 1600. I have a Juno G.. how would I connect this to the BR 1600… would have I have to do this via MIDI or could I connect the Juno via audio i/o? I have a Yamaha S80 and I am able to connect this keyboard to the BR 1600, but I really like the sounds of the Juno. I am a TOTAL newbie and would greatly appreciate your advice and help!


I came across this thread and I have a question as it relates to connecting a keyboard to the BR 1600. I have a Juno G.. how would I connect this to the BR 1600… would have I have to do this via MIDI or could I connect the Juno via audio i/o? I have a Yamaha S80 and I am able to connect this keyboard to the BR 1600, but I really like the sounds of the Juno. I am a TOTAL newbie and would greatly appreciate your advice and help!


You'll do much better starting a new thread than opening up a mostly non-related 9-year-old thread. The BR1600 does not record MIDI, only audio, so you take the audio outputs of your Juno an dplug them into the line-in inputs of the BR1600, just like your Yammie.