keyboard vs synth


New member
hey..i'm a newbie in the home recording please excuse the fact that this question will probably make most of you laugh. whats the difference between a keyboard and a synthesizer?
There are no hard and fast rules for what is cheaper based on synthesis. Some synths are cheaper than say, a digital piano and some electronic keyboards are less expensive than some synths.

The terms "synth" and "keyboard" are usually used interchangeably. A keyboard can be a synth, and a synth can be a keyboard. Many keyboard have the ability to play back more than just ROM, in other words will have RAM on board for loading sounds. And many many keyboards allow full programming of sounds.

Perhaps what you are getting at is the difference between a keyboard that's a piano/electric piano/organ synth, and a keyboard that also has a much wider variety of sounds. The keyboards that are specialized on piano/organ/ep often have something to that effect in their name. Just calling thdm a keyboard will not distinguish them from other keyboards of a different type.

Basically, if they are electronic they are a synthesizer, as they are electronically synthesizing the sound. So whether it be piano, strings, pads, whatever, it's synthesized.
ok... here's my limited understanding.

Keyboard --- basically an input device (think of your computer keyboard). The term "Keyboard" in our current context refers to any of the piano type instrumanets (pianos, organs, synthesizers, electronic keyboards etc.)

Synthisizer --- as was stated allows you to create sounds.
Sampler ---- allows you to Record sounds (take a sample). and play back from the keyboard.
subtractor,what exactly do you mean by "very large member"?

would that be your head?
..or your ass?
skyy38 said:
subtractor,what exactly do you mean by "very large member"?

would that be your head?
..or your ass?

It's my cock dumbshit...
You seem to either too be naive or too interested... Which one is it?
WTF is the deal with your fascination with casio?
Do you work for casio?
Or are you just sooooo inexperienced with instruments that you think casio is good?
I'm here to tell you that casio is not even a real instrument, they are toys, and not even good ones at that...
Do you not realize how foolish you look in this keyboard forum reccomending casio?
Please tell...
No,my redundant,rotund,rejoinder,I don't look foolish recommending Casio...
I take the extra "ka-CHING" that I saved over way more expensive and useless keyboards(helloooo "FANTOM"!)and funnel it toward better uses for the future.

I'm sorry that your only experience with Casio seems to date only to the VL tone,but Casio really does make exceptional gear for the money..
If you took the time to listen,maybe you'd be aware of that...
skyy38 said:
...but Casio really does make exceptional gear for the money..
If you took the time to listen,maybe you'd be aware of that...
You're kidding, right? I'l bet you think Sears guitars are the shit too, eh????


I think a good rule of thumb should be (when referring to keyboards), if it has speakers built into it, then it's a piece o' shit!

If you ever come up with a good tune on your casio, you can take all that extra "ka-ching" you saved and pay someone to use some serious equipment to make your shit marketable!! yeah!

Please check thread "Turd Polishing"

bsanfordnyc said:
I think a good rule of thumb should be (when referring to keyboards), if it has speakers built into it, then it's a piece o' shit!

If you ever come up with a good tune on your casio, you can take all that extra "ka-ching" you saved and pay someone to use some serious equipment to make your shit marketable!! yeah!

Please check thread "Turd Polishing"


Please check thread"Fucking Your Mother With Someone Elses DICK"

*knocked* off the nipple too soon,eh?......
Hey skyy38... you no-talent-waste-of-space... you're either a kid who doesn't know any better, or a very poor musician with limited ability, either way, you're not making yourself welcome here...........

idiot........ :rolleyes: