Keyboard melting!?!?


New member
I have an M-Audio 61es. I was rearranging my studio and when I attempted to remove the 61es from the stand (On-Stage 2 tier stand) I noticed it was stuck. It took some force to remove it and when I did I saw that the keyboard seems to have melted where it was contacting the rubber protectors on the stand. The rubber was melted right into the bottom of the keyboard. Other than that it has worked fine. Anyone else encountered this before, or have any idea why it happened?
I never had it in sunlight and the windows in the studio are covered. I have it on right now, but so far nothing interesting is happening, though a spot near the low side seems to be a bit warmer than the rest of it. I am starting to believe that it happened during days of 8 hours sessions when the keyboard was on from morning to evening and being played often during that time. I just don't have 8 hours to sit and wait for it to reach the melting point right now.
I had this happen with a really old Yamaha 32 keyboard (my first one from when I was a kid!) recently.

It had been sitting in a drawer and one of the little rubber feet melted onto things beneath it.

There was no heat or light getting into the drawer, so it was the strangest thing!
It's possible that these rubber feet just melt easily over time or with pressure.
Was it pluged in with the adaptor or the usb (if that one uses it) I have the smaller version, and I use the usb without any problems. Maybe the usb power or the power supply were giving it too much or not enough juice.

I really don't know what could cause this, but maybe it is because M-Audio uses cheese instead of plastic for it casing?!
Cheese sounds like the best explanation so far. M-Audio still hasn't responded to me support request either.

I have it hooked up to a powered USB hub.