Keybaord recording


New member

I recently purchased a Roland XP-30 and hooked it up to my Guillemot Maxi ISIS sound card thing. When I go to Cakewalk and record a track or just play a MIDI track and switch the MIDI Output Device to "MPU-401" I can hear the sound of my keyboard when I press play on Cakewalk. But when I try to put another track in (say channel 2), only channel 1 plays and all the other channels don't. Why is this and how can I fix it? PLEASE HELP!!!

- Andrew
When you go to record the second need to assign it..its own midi track one could be a piano on midi channel one..and track 2 could be the bass on midi channel 2..
im assuming you know how to assign midi channels to each track

if not holla back!
I am using instrument definitions and I found out the problem. I needed to go to Perform mode on the XP-30 for more than one MIDI track to be played. Yet, there is one more problem:

When I have, say, 20 notes total in like 10 different tracks (2 notes per track), the so-called "64" polyphony of the XP-30 cuts of a couple notes. Does the XP-30 really have 64-voice polyphony or do I not know what polyphony really is? Perhaps there is something I need to do in order for it to play right?

Also, someone told me that I needed to download some sort of "System Exclusive" thing for the XP-30 and Cakewalk. What is this, what does it do, and where can I get it (if I really need it)?

Thanks for all your help!!!

- Andrew
Does the XP-30 really have 64-voice polyphony or do I not know what polyphony really is?
I'm not totally sure about this, but I think some of the patches on these synths actually layer a couple of sounds together, and that uses up voices from the total available. So if you had enough notes playing these patches it would be easy to run out before you have 64 separate notes playing simultaneously. I don't think there's anything you can do about this other than use simpler. non-layered voices or add another module.

Also, someone told me that I needed to download some sort of "System Exclusive" thing for the XP-30 and Cakewalk. What is this, what does it do, and where can I get it (if I really need it)?
I think they are talking about an application called a editor/librarian. "System Exclusive" (often abbreviated "Sys Ex")are a category of MIDI messages that are left for individual manufacturers to use for purposes specific to the particular synth. Standard non-standard messages, if you will. Often all the available settings of everything on the synth are made accessible by the mfg. through these messages, including all the parameters for any sound programming or manipulation that the synth provides. Editor/librarians are made to manage this kind of stuff. From what you've said so far, I seriously doubt you need such a program. They are really only useful to those who have a lot of synths and/or those who program them heavily to create new or hybrid sounds. You can send any Sys Ex messages you need or want through Cakewalk or any other decent MIDI sequencer.