Kevlar bass drum head patch..


New member
Hey, Iv'e just started recently usin plastic beaters. I found that these
reeek havoc on the head after a while haha. I was wondering
if the patches that are available for the head affect the sound of
the head,and is it a good solution without makin the kick sound like
shit?? Thanks.
The patches really do work and do not affect the sound of the kick in a bad way. They help keep the head from wearing out.
depending on the patch you get it will slighly change the sound of your kick. all of them give more attack, some give a huge click (i dont like it but many do).

they're cheap so try out a few and see which you like.
The danmar ones give you the huge click because they are made of plastic and sometimes metal. The kevlar ones are pretty safe.
I like the Remo Falam patches which are made of kevlar the best. They give a little extra click when used with plastic beaters, which is a nice balance between body and click. Try out the Aquarian ones if you dont want a lot of extra click as I think they are softer and feel more like vinyl than plastic.
ive just bought a few diffrent ones just to hear the diffrence for some recordings ive done. My personal prefrance is the aquarian one, it adds attack but without that 'click'. To just save the head then use these, as they won't change much of the sound.