JV-1080 controled by M-Audio Radium49

Masters Of War

New member
I have no experience with controlers, but the idea seems interesting and much more flexable. Would a Radium49 work well as a controler for a JV-1080 or should I just go for an XP-30? What would be the pros and cons between these two setups? Sorry for posting so many threads in this forum, I got a lot of questions and keep zig zagging on what I want to get. Any help would be awesome, thanks.
Depends on what you want to do. The XP30 is a little light on front panel controls (menu hopping does not count) so a controller will be helpful about equally for both the KB and rack versions. Are you trying to just control the synth or you looking for a surface to program it?
If I buy the xp-30 I probably won't buy the controler (don't have space for two keyboards). What I mean is what are the pros and cons of having the jv1080 module controled by a radium49 (or any other controler, the radium49 is just the paticular controler I've been looking at) vs. just using the xp-30 alone? I'm not very familiar with midi or synths, is a controler just as competent at controling a set of sounds from a module as a keyboard specificaly designed to control the sounds within it? Are the sounds mainly controled and edited through the module or through the controler keyboard?
I would not pick the Radium (unless it supports sysex) but yeah, a control surface is nice. I'm mainly a rackmount synth guy so for me it is almost required since none of them have anything close to usefull interfaces and software controllers do not cut it for me.

I would go for a rack module and a controller over the XP keyboard since you can use your controller for everything, while the XP keyboard only has 4 assignable faders which is not that useful for programing (should be sufficiant for live filter sweeps etc). A good controller will allow you to manipulte most if not all of the synths parameters when working on patches (or live) in a tangible manner vs. digging through endless menus and setting prameters manually.

If that is what your interested in, I would study up a little on midi since programing controllers can be tedious if you really have to dive into the sysex aspect of it. But then again many keyboards make it easy by just assigning CC values (Midi controller msgs) to everything usefull so break out the manual and check what you will dealing with.

I am a fan of novation midi controllers since they really do offer a ton of control options AND the programmer is the easiest I have seen. The M-Audio/evolution ones are pretty basic and are limited to assigning CC channels to controls only (AFAIK, I didnt check)