Just wanna know if I should go for it


New member
Hey everyone on here, just registered to the stie, and I wanted to ask you all a question...

About a year ago, I forced myself into liking metallica... i used to be into more modern mainstream kind of music, but after trying to embrace the diversity of metallica, I found a new feeling for music, that of whihc i had never felt before. Kirk and his extreme solos, the raw, gritty, hardcore feeling of intense that rang out through James' voice and lyrics, and the intense, hot beat kept by Lars. It was awesome... But through Metallica, I found a new love for music. Led Zeppelin. They seemed odd at first, even downright silly at times... But from the desperately extreme wails of Robert Plant in Since I've Been Loving You, to the heart throbbing, amazing Achilles Last Stand, I knew what I wanted to do. So I picked up a fender acoustic, sat down, and played it. It wasn't good, at all, but within a month or so of just jamming on it sometimes, I was making rythyms, and actually doing something. I was completely and totally in love with everything led zeppelin for about three months, and then I downloaded The Dark Side of The Moon. From the very beggining, I was completely, and totally mesmerized... It was like, a hypnotic 40 something minute song... I felt everything, the transitions, David's amazing guitar, I felt everything... And I fell in love with pink floyd. I have every album from The Dark Side Of The Moon to The Wall...I stay up till three in the morning on school nights, repeating the albums, in a soulful, relaxed, amazing trance... its awesome.

So, I started taking guitar lessons about 2 months ago, and was actually freaking out my friends with how good i was for only playing for two months. I only have a fender acoustic, and a really shitty amp, but for any electric work, I use my bros Epiphone Les Paul, although its strings have been broken for months, and my parents wont buy me new ones... Well, anyways, one day, my girlfriend asked me to write her a song... Being the usual lovey-dovey romantic i am, I said sure, and I donned the guitar strap, and sat in my room in isolation, creating the guitar parts for her song... I got lost in it... I made a beautiful, sweet fingerpicking riff... And soon enough, I found myself making other ones too... And I started thinking of lyrics, and it was all mind boggling... I knew what i wanted to do, and I still do! For christmas this year, My parents are getting me an amp... So I will be able to record electric guitar, and it will sounds good. I wanna make a concept album, like Pink Floyd's. I can't sit down in class and concentrate because in my mind I hear beautiful, heart wrenching solos, I hear complete songs, I hear something of my own, a canvas of imagination only limited by my creativity... Should I do it? Should I really try and keep the torch that is my dreams lit? Should I record my own album? Please tell me what you think!!!
If you've been bitten by the bug, then scratch that itch.

It's an ambitious adventure for a kid to embark upon . . . but there's no harm in starting and seeing where it takes you.

I wish you all the best!
That might be the longest "question" in the history of this forum...I almost read the whole thing.
might be a bit out of subject but with the musical path your taking.. taking a look at Ayreon could be good..
