just tell me what you think of my band :D

Thanks for the input
i really dont think from the floor is our best track or even close
there are many other songs on teh cd that i like alot better
and that song itself is hard to sing
and it does sound awkard because the verses are in f major and the chorus is in d major haha
yeah i was actually thinking to myself
it most definately should be an intonation issue because we did not get it calibrated/adjusted before we recorded the cd and like
production was rushed
we reecorded and 8 song ep in two weeks...
First you say my ears are 'out of tune', then when somebody else agrees with me, you change your story. Real pro dude.

Thanks for the input
i really dont think from the floor is our best track or even close
there are many other songs on teh cd that i like alot better
and that song itself is hard to sing
and it does sound awkard because the verses are in f major and the chorus is in d major haha
Then why on earth would you have it be the first song on your myspace? Wouldn't it be better to have just one killer song up, vs. a couple shit songs you don't even like (although you were trying to defend it earlier...)? It's the same as bands playing 1+ hour sets when they've got two or three good songs, and a bunch of filler: if you're not a huge band, and you're not headlining, just play your two or three good songs and get the fuck off the stage so people will think you're awesome, but new, vs. thinking you've been around for a while and just write mostly shit songs.
and i really appreciate your attitude and quickness to anger
I'm not angry at all, just merely annoyed at your attitude. Here's the chain of events:

- You ask for my honest opinion

- I give you my honest opinion

- You suggest I am an idiot for my opinion

- Others back up my opinion

- You admit you were wrong and try to laugh it off, after blatantly offending me for giving you my honest opinion

See how one might get slightly annoyed? Anyway, bottom line is your band is generic and mediocre, and you know it. No doubt you were proud of your work, and wanted others to tell you how good it was (everybody does it!), but you got negative feedback and handled it poorly. Some honest advice to help you on your way: if you can't handle somebody disliking your music, you shouldn't show it to anybody! People in this forum (including myself) are much nicer about stating our opinions than fans/non-fans will be in real life. I know from experience! It's hard to put so much of your time into a song just to have people rip it apart, but you've gotta handle it like a man and take it for what it's worth in order to continue on making whatever music is in your heart. Otherwise, you'll just get depressed and give up.
nah youre right tho
its just hard to take harsh critisism on something you spend so much time on
but its alright
im only 17 i have many years of music left
nah youre right tho
its just hard to take harsh critisism on something you spend so much time on
but its alright
im only 17 i have many years of music left

That's the right attitude!!!

shit if you guys are only 17 then you definately have lots of potential.. keep playing and you'll get way better... songs will mature.. skills will fall into place.. just play as much as you guys can
:D Hi guys...what are you asking us for...what do you think of it?..Ive been in the music biz for years and I can tell you the only opinion that counts for anything is yours..if you believe in yourself then others will...all said and done it sounds ok..but what do I know I'm just an old fart....all the best guys:)
When I was 17 I was just learning to play Iron Man. :D So I think you should be proud. Sounds way better than most stuff kids your age produce.
sounds good

If I were are producer (which i am) I’d say let the songs breath it's amazing what you could do with that sound if you just started taking elements out of the mix try it next time you re-record, and i must ask what are you guys doing in a "Recording Studio?" go and lay the drums down in a "Studio" if you have to, then spend the rest of the time cutting the rest in yourself.

it's 2007 the way you guys are doing things (or being told things should be done) is wrong.

why spend so much time practicing to rush a recording the final representation of your art?

breaks guys breaks, and you never know the whole sound can change.
Steve you sound like my kinda guy

I'm a going post some sounds up here and i want you to give your worst.

I can take it on the chin.

no, i'd like your guys opinions.

want to here some new and different music?

i will put a post up as a new thread.
If I were are producer (which i am) I’d say let the songs breath it's amazing what you could do with that sound if you just started taking elements out of the mix try it next time you re-record, and i must ask what are you guys doing in a "Recording Studio?" go and lay the drums down in a "Studio" if you have to, then spend the rest of the time cutting the rest in yourself.

it's 2007 the way you guys are doing things (or being told things should be done) is wrong.

why spend so much time practicing to rush a recording the final representation of your art?

breaks guys breaks, and you never know the whole sound can change.

dude no,

no no no no


you seem to have the attitude that going to a professional studio will waste money when you can do it yourself..

if you knew anything about the recording process you'd know that there's alot to learn and it could take years (if ever) that you'll be able to come even 1/2 as close to a pro studio sound.. saving money is just not true.. you'll spend 5 times as much on something that will not turn out as well.. People and bands that get into recording themselves to "save" money have no idea how huge of a deal they're getting themselves into.. if you love the recording process and are eager to learn that's a different story.. if you just want to get your songs recording and get your album out there go to a pro studio.. you'll be much more happy in the end..

oh and btw even if a band does decide to record themselves.. that shouldn't have anything to do with practicing and getting prepared for the recording process
that's a really old post

I'm starting to think Steves got a thing for me.... aah come on Stevie your just playing hard to get!

i know this game.
