Just some question?


New member
Hello. I do rapping and I am looking for a new mic. Now I know this has been asked about the best bang for the buck mic. But my question is that I was looking at radio shack site and found some affordable mic ranging from $25-$130. Now I would like to know which one is the best for the money as well does it plug into the PC (I assume it does but you never know). Right now I am using a pitiful KOSS M/20 those really cheap crap kind. It's giving me to much static and I can't relay any energy into it cuz of the "thud" that occurs. So I want a mic that I can put energy into and get people moving. The website for the Radio Shack mics are
if that doesn't work go to radioshack.ca and search "microphones". Thanks
where would I find that mic? I live in Canada. What stores sell them? I don't want to get it over the internet as it usually takes 2 weeks or more and I hate waiting. Is it $100 Cdn or American?
Okay I did some research and ....

I did some research and this is what I hav come to the conclusion.

I will need a new sound card (I'm thinking of Blaster Live Plat 5.1)

A pre amp for my mic or a mixer

And a mic.

So I need to know a website that sells a good mic and mixer so I can get 2 of things off my list.