Just Signed on!


New member
Hello all! I have just entered the home recording world. Actually I bought a Zoom 1044mrsCD bout 2 years ago but just recently learned how to use it. OK, now I`m an addict! Been lurking here for a few weeks getting info on stuff. I have a decent computer and am thinking of using it to record also as the options seem broader that way. (altho I`m not sure what to do about the computer noise) I have a Mackie 1202vlzPRO;an SR16 drum machine (16 bit and several years old"any good?") A pair of AKG C3000`s; A shure KSM32 (on its way); a pair of shure BG 4.0`s; an shure beta sm58`s; Mucho electric guitars, banjos, acoustic guitars, harmonicas and etc. I know I need to add a sm57.

Right now I`m wondering wether to use the mackie as an interface and just get some fancy soundcard or what. I have no idea really which way to go as far as software/soundcard goes. I have read about different ones on here tho.

I know the basics as far as mikes, preamps, tube mikes use their own power but still need a pre-amp and stuff like that.

I prolly will be doing most of the stuff myself but occasionally will have a couple other people in and we may want to record at the same time. I guess maybe thats where the mackie may be usefull? Also considering tempting my son, who lives 100 miles away into getting into this also as a way to give us something to do together. So I`m wondering about what software to get that we could sinque up well thru the internet with.

Anyway......Nice to meet you all in advance and I hope I can contribute as well as learn here. Ive been a picker all my life on most any stringed instrument with my forte being solo performing with guitars, banjos, and slide guitars. If anyone has any advice I`d surely appreciate it. I`m too ignorant to formulate all the questions I have in a legible format so sorry if this is a somewhat confusing post.


Oh, and GOOD GRIEF!! 250 posts to get to use a custom avatar?!

(custom avatar) yeah...i'm at 180 so i will say hi and welcome you to the board. easy way to up that 1. lol


recording is a great hobby. take time and learn as you go and it will be rewarding.

you have a good equipment list started there.

personally, i work with computers all day, so the recording stuff is my stress releif, so i go the SIB route and there ain't a computer in my studio. just a personal thing.

the sr-16 is pretty neat, i use it

funny how times change though......
when i joined here a year ago, as far as mic pres, behringer gear was junk...and mackie was the "thing". Now, everyone is complaing they need better mic pre's that the mackie. The Mackie will do you very well for now.

I think learning to use the gear you have to it's full potential is equally or more inportant that having all the "newest greatist recording do dad"

so, just start recording!!!! :cool:
Tx Radiorickm,
Not up on all the lingo but does "SIB" stand for something like studio in a box? If so, what kind do you use?

tx for the reply

good guess

yeah, it's a studio in a box

i have the Fostex MR-8. 8 track digital, 2 track simul record.

it may not be the best in the world, but what you learn on it will transfer to about 90% of the other stuff out there.