Just installed Soundblaster Live and can not record


Drummer and Pipedreamer
I've just had a professional engineer install a Soundblaster Live soundcard on my Dell Dimension 350. I'm using a mackie 1202-vlz mixer and a Rode NT-1 mic. I can get audio from the board to the speakers but no signal to the line input. I am running Sound Forge software. I am ready to F*CKING scream. I have been working on this for almost 2 months. Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong???? I'll pay you if you can figure this one out!!!!
johnnyfever, (WKRP?)

No input, but output is no problem. Seems to be a common trend. All I can suggest is check/recheck your connections to the soundcard. You are sending an output from your mixer? How are you adapting the 1/4" outputs to an 1/8" on the SB? or are you using the digital input?

I'm sure you've done this already, but check the internal mixer in audio HQ and make sure that the line input is enabled and the volume up. As well, in order to get a signal, you have to have the line input selected in the record box and the rec vol up as well. I doubt that you are using the RCA digital I/O, but if you are, you will have to first go to the SBLive! website and get updated drivers as the first release would not allow for digital recording from sources that did not appear to be original recordings (copy protection for DAT etc.) If all else fails, try reinstalling the driver software. Hope this helps.
I think the equipment you've mentioned deserves more of a break anyway; get a GINA
and forget all those 1/8" plug games. Or a Card D, a MIDIman 2044, an ISIS... my point being, with all the dough you've spent on the front end, you now need to match it on the back side. Better A/D converters. Better physical connectors. More I/O jacks.
Too bad you're in Buffalo, kinda far for me to amble over. But check the pages listed in the announcement for this forum, and I bet one of them solves your problem...
I had this problem!!!!!!

Try this.....

I'm not to good with puters so try and follow this if you can :)

Go to your desktop...

Down in the very right of the screen next to the clock.....there is a little speaker...DOUBLE CLICK ON IT!

This will bring up your mixer settings.

Make sure all this is in order.....

now go to OPTIONS


Choose Recording...tick all relevant boxes and Then OK

This will bring up the recording mixer....

tick the input you require......HEY PRESTO!!!!it works!!!

Only thing I notice is that everytime you change your source you have to tick that chosen box there in the recording mixer.

I hope this helps......and i haven't just taught you how to suck an egg :)
